There are numerous classic coffee and espresso grinder manufacturers well-known around the world, including those like Ceado. If you search for a grinder to use at home or in your business, you’ll probably stumble across traditional companies like that first.
But there are also constantly newcomers to the world of coffee. An example of such a newcomer is the Niche Zero, a grinder that was created to reduce your waste and provide a professional-quality grind at home. Is it everything it’s chalked up to be, though?
We hope to uncover the answer by comparing the Ceado E37J vs Niche Zero. Here are the subjects we’ll shed some light on:
- Features present in both the E37J and Niche Zero.
- Which qualities set them apart from each other.
- Information on the cost.
- Guidance on how to decide which one to buy.
With that being said, let’s jump right in…
Quick Summary

Of the two grinders we’re going to be comparing, the Ceado E37J is the only one potentially suitable for a small commercial setting. That’s because features like its steady lock burrs and programmable dosing make it a perfect fit for businesses with a low volume of coffee orders or skilled home baristas.
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Niche Zero
The Niche Zero was very clearly designed to innovate the average home coffee drinker’s routine. It has a beautiful, unique design with large conical burrs that will give you a cup with a bright flavor profile. Get this one if you’re looking for an attractive coffee grinder for your home kitchen.
Stepless Grind Adjustment System
Let’s start with one of the most basic aspects for any espresso grinder: its adjustment system. One thing all good grinders have in common is that they each make it possible for you to grind coffee to different degrees of coarseness or fineness.
The way in which you adjust the fineness is what varies. On the Ceado and Niche Zero, you’ll have control over a precise stepless grind adjustment system.
Stepless grind adjustment systems offer users one huge benefit: complete flexibility. Because you’re not restricted to settings provided by the manufacturer, you can adjust them to any point between fine and coarse.
Read Also: Ceado E37S vs Niche Zero
Hands-Free Grinding
Another benefit common to all high-end grinders is that you don’t have to stand in front of them the entire time you use them to hold a portafilter or bin beneath the chute. Just about all of them come with a shelf or holder to keep your grinding receptable in place.
That includes the E37J and Zero. Both have something to hold your container in place, freeing your hands up for other tasks.
On-Demand Grinding

Do you want your coffee and espresso to be as fresh as possible? Then what you’re looking for is an on-demand grinder like either the Ceado E37J or Niche Zero.
On-demand grinding is exactly the way it sounds: the amount of coffee grounds you require is ground to-order every time you need a dose. This is different from doser grinders, which have you grind batches of coffee into a container in advance, which you then disperse coffee from as you need it.
Because you’re only grinding as much as you need at the time you need it, you are both reducing your waste and ensuring you get the freshest possible grounds.
Steel Burrs
If a coffee or espresso grinder had a heart, it would be its burrs. Burrs are the grinding discs that grind your coffee beans for you. Your grinder is essentially a house for the burrs.
It’s easy to see why burrs are important to discuss in a grinder comparison. One of their key aspects, their material, is the same between the E37J and Zero. Both grinders use steel burrs.
As you can imagine, steel burrs are tough. These burrs are resistant to cracking and chipping in addition to being ultra-sharp.
Further Reading: Ceado E37J vs Mazzer Mini
Burr Diameter
Another vital burr quality is their size. Bigger burrs can grind coffee beans more quickly, which is why this is something worth looking into whenever you consider purchasing a specific grinder.
While the burrs in the Ceado and Niche aren’t exactly the same size, they’re close enough in size to be considered similar in our book. To be exact, the Ceado E37J has 64mm burrs and the Niche Zero has 63mm burrs.
In a home environment, these burrs are more than adequate. You’ll find that either grinder can quickly prepare you a batch of fresh grounds.
Grinding Speed
Given the similarity in the size of these grinders’ burrs, you probably won’t be shocked to hear that they also have an almost identical grinding speed. Either the Ceado E37J or the Niche Zero is capable of grinding around two grams of coffee per second.
That means your wait for that first steaming cup of coffee in the morning is that much shorter.
Conical vs Flat Burrs
We’ll start with burrs as we discuss the numerous differences between these grinders. It’s true that the E37J and Zero have burrs that are the same material and size, but they have one fundamental difference: their shape.
The Niche Zero has conical burrs. These cone-shaped burrs create bimodal coffee particles, or particles that vary in size. The result is a zesty flavor that some may also observe traces of fruit in. Some also say conical burrs are quieter and cooler than the alternative, flat burrs.
The Ceado E37J has flat burrs. Coffee particles produced by flat burrs are all uniform in size, which creates a sweet and full-bodied flavor.
There’s much debate out there over which kind of burr is better. As we mentioned above, there are benefits to either burr shape, so it’s a matter of personal preference.
Additional Resource: Baratza Vario vs Niche Zero
Hopper Size
The amount of time your grinder can be on is limited by the size of its hopper. A larger hopper holds a greater amount of beans, which allows the grinder to run longer before it empties.
In this comparison, the Ceado E37J has a vastly larger hopper capacity. Its hopper can accommodate 1.3 pounds of coffee beans.
On the flipside, the Niche Zero’s hopper is a single-serve one. In other words, it grinds only enough for one serving of coffee beans. You must add beans every time you use it.
The single-serve functionality works fine in a home setting where you might only brew a pot of coffee a day. In a shop or restaurant, though, you don’t want to be delayed by having to stop and add beans before every drink order.
Ceado E37J Portafilter Fork
In the similarities section above, we discussed how these grinders will both hold your grinding receptacle in place for you, whether it’s a portafilter or bin. The difference here is specifically what either grinder can hold for you.
As a grinder geared more towards preparing espresso, the Ceado E37J has a portafilter fork. This makes it perfect for grinding fresh shots of espresso time and time again.
That’s not to say that you can’t grind espresso on the Niche Zero. You absolutely can, but you’ll need to transfer your grounds from the grinding cup to your portafilter afterwards. That has the potential to be tedious and make a mess on your counter.
Niche Zero Real Wood Accents
If you were to look at a picture of the Niche Zero or see one in person, we’d be willing to bet one thing would catch your eye: its accents made from real wood. Too many espresso and coffee grinders look exactly the same these days, so something as visually intriguing as the Niche Zero is a sight for sore eyes.
Obviously, the wood accents serve no purpose other than to look good. However, if you’re going to invest in something that can be costly, such as a grinder, there’s no reason why you can’t demand an attractive aesthetic for your investment.
Ceado E37J Touchscreen Controls
Appliance users love touchscreens, whether it’s on a fridge, dishwasher, or even something smaller like a grinder. Touchscreens are a delight to use and they look wonderfully modern.
You won’t find one on the Niche Zero, but you will find a touchscreen on the Ceado E37J. The touchscreen helps make the grinder even more user-friendly, since you can access a variety of settings simply by tapping the screen.
Related Article: Baratza Forte vs Niche Zero
Niche Zero Direct Grind Path
Grind retention is a major problem with some grinders. This is when some coffee grounds are left behind in the grinder after each use.
Why is that a problem? Well, for one thing, it means you’re getting less out of your grinder than what you put in. Since each brewing method requires a very specific amount of coffee, getting less than what you bargained for can tamper with the end result.
Second, grind retention can tarnish the flavor of your beverages. Those grounds left behind will get stale, then get mixed in with fresh grounds the next time you use the grinder.
The Niche Zero has the solution to this age-old grinder dilemma: a direct grind path. Put simply, the patch from the grinding burrs to your cup is straight and short. There’s nowhere for the grinds to get stuck.
Ceado E37J Programmable Dosing
As we mentioned above, different brewing methods require different amounts of grounds. You’ll need a different amount of coffee for a shot of espresso as opposed to what you’d need for a pot of French press coffee.
Remembering these amounts can be difficult, especially if you’re a beginner. The Ceado E37J makes it so you don’t necessarily have to remember doses, though, thanks to its programmable dosing.
You can have the grinder effectively remember three different doses for you. Program the amounts for your three favorite drinks into the Ceado and then let it handle the rest.
Niche Zero Complete Cord Storage
Dangling cords are both hazardous and annoying. You’ll understand why if you’ve ever moved an appliance and tripped over the cord.
This is a thing of the past with the Niche Zero. It has a cord storage compartment that totally conceals the cord whenever you need to. No more having to worry about tripping over a loose cord, should you ever move the grinder for cleaning or storage.
Ceado E37J Shot Counter
Whether you’re purchasing coffee for your home or business, it helps to have a clear understanding of exactly how much you need. Sure, there are ways to get an accurate estimate, such as keeping track yourself. However, manual methods of tracking your coffee consumption can be exhausting.
That’s why the Ceado E37J has an integrated shot counter. This grinder will keep tabs on your espresso use for you, giving you a clear picture of how much you go through. That way, when it’s time to replenish your espresso supply, you’ll know precisely how much you need.
Ceado E37J Steady Lock Burrs
If you’re often going to be grinding for long periods of time or otherwise using your grinder frequently, there’s something to be concerned about: recalibrating your grinder. Over time, the fineness setting on your grinder can slowly change, which impacts the taste of your drinks.
The Ceado’s answer to this issue is its steady lock burrs. After you choose a specific fineness, the grinder can lock that setting into place for you. This way, you can be totally sure your grinder is at the correct level whenever you use it.
Read Also: Ceado E37J vs E6P
Pricing Information
At Majesty Coffee, we’re proud of our fine selection of Ceado grinders that we offer our customers for the most competitive prices online. That includes our Ceado E37J, which we have available for $999.
The Niche Zero, on the other hand, is not currently available in our store. You can check online to find if it is available through other sellers.
Which Grinder Should You Buy?
You likely came to this article in the first place because you can’t decide whether you should get the Ceado E37J and Niche Zero. Although we’ve discussed their numerous features, we still haven’t really answered the question of situations whether either grinder would be better.
Let’s take a look at the best settings for either grinder now, then.
You can start at a superficial level. Visually speaking, these grinders are quite different from one another, and the look of one might be preferable to you.
Looking for something with a homey, almost rustic appeal? The Niche Zero is perfect for you. On the other hand, the Ceado E37J is a great pick if you want something that looks sleek and modern.
Think about the environment you’ll be using the grinder in, too. The Niche Zero is designed to revolutionize home grinding and is not suitable for commercial use. If you’re looking for a grinder with more power to use in a business, consider the Ceado E37J.
You may also want to consider what it is you’ll be brewing more often. The Ceado E37J’s portafilter holder and programmable dosing make it excellent for espresso. However, the grinding cup of the Niche Zero could be perfect for brewing pots of coffee.
Here is our advice:
Get the Ceado E37J if you want a slightly more robust grinder for a small business setting such as an office or a coffee shop. It’s also a great pick if you want to specifically make espresso.
Pick the Niche Zero if you want a home coffee grinder with a look that just can’t be beat. Your guests will surely admire its wooden accents.
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Tony Barlow, with over a decade of experience in the coffee industry, is the go-to technical sales expert at Majesty Coffee. He's passionate about helping businesses find the right espresso equipment for their needs.