
Are you a coffee lover who enjoys a bold and strong cup of joe? Or do you prefer a creamy and indulgent latte? In this in-depth comparison guide, we're breaking down the differences between two classic coffee drinks - americano and latte. Get ready to learn about the brewing methods, taste profiles, and caffeine content of these two drinks. Which one will be your new favorite? Let's find out!

Americano and Latte Origins and Definitions

In this section, we'll cover the origins and definitions of two popular coffee beverages: the Americano and the Latte. Both drinks have their roots in Italy and are made with espresso, but they have distinct differences that make them unique. We'll explore the history of each drink, their components, and their influence in the world of coffee.

Americano Origin and Definition

The Americano, also known as Caffè Americano, originates from Italy during World War II. American soldiers stationed in Italy found the local espresso too strong for their taste, so they diluted it with hot water to create a coffee that was more familiar to them. This led to the birth of the Americano, which is essentially a shot of espresso combined with an equal or greater amount of hot water.

An Americano has a robust and concentrated flavor, with the espresso offering a dark and acidic taste, while the added water helps lessen the intensity. The drink is known for its light layer of crema on top, which is a result of pouring the espresso shots quickly followed by hot water. This method preserves the coffee's natural flavors and aromas, making the Americano a favorite among coffee enthusiasts who prefer a stronger, bolder taste.

  • Components of an Americano:
    • Espresso shot(s)
    • Hot water

Latte Origin and Definition

The Latte, also known as Caffè Latte or simply Latte in English-speaking countries, translates to "milk coffee" in Italian. This drink has long been enjoyed by Italians as part of their breakfast routine, usually accompanied by a pastry or biscotti. The combination of espresso and milk makes for a more balanced and creamy taste, which appeals to a broader audience, especially those who find straight espresso too intense.

A Latte is made by combining one or more shots of espresso with steamed, frothed milk. The ratio is typically 1/4 espresso and 3/4 milk, resulting in a creamy and slightly sweet taste, thanks to the natural sugars found in milk. The milk is not only steamed to create a velvety texture but also frothed, which adds a layer of airy foam on top of the drink.

  • Components of a Latte:
    • Espresso shot(s)
    • Steamed milk
    • Milk foam

In conclusion, the primary difference between an Americano and a Latte lies in their ingredients and preparation methods. The Americano uses hot water to dilute the espresso for a bolder taste, while the Latte incorporates steamed and frothed milk for a creamier, milder flavor. Both drinks continue to be staples in cafes worldwide, offering unique tastes and experiences for coffee lovers to enjoy.

Key Components and Preparation

Espresso in Americano and Latte

Both Americano and latte drinks share a common foundation: espresso. Espresso is a concentrated coffee brewed under high pressure through an espresso machine. A skilled barista uses fine-grained coffee grounds and extracts the espresso shot for a precise amount of time, typically 25-30 seconds. The quality of the espresso impacts the final taste of both Americano and latte beverages.

Water in Americano

The Americano is a simple yet robust coffee drink that mixes espresso with hot water. The common recipe consists of a double espresso shot and an equal amount of hot water, poured together in a cup. The hot water dilutes the espresso, reducing its intensity while maintaining its flavor profile. The final result is a strong, slightly acidic coffee with a lighter body than straight espresso. The presence of a thin layer of crema, a coffee foam that forms on the surface of the drink, provides an appealing visual and textural quality.

Steamed Milk and Foam in Latte

In contrast to the Americano, a latte combines espresso with steamed milk and milk foam. The typical recipe involves:

  • 1/4 espresso
  • 3/4 steamed milk
  • A layer of milk foam on top

For the best lattes, whole milk is often used. The espresso shots are poured into a cup, and then the barista adds the steamed milk, creating a creamy and well-rounded flavor that balances the bitterness of the espresso. In the final step, a layer of milk foam is added to the top of the latte. This foam is produced by steaming the milk, which introduces microbubbles that create a velvety texture. Some baristas showcase their artistic skills by creating various designs or patterns in the milk foam, adding visual appeal to the latte.

In summary, the key difference between an Americano and a latte lies in their additional ingredients: water for Americano, and steamed milk and milk foam for a latte. These variations influence the taste, texture, and appearance of the drinks, making them suitable for different preferences and occasions.

Taste and Flavor Profiles

Americano Flavors and Strength

An Americano is a coffee beverage that combines espresso with hot water, resulting in a drink that is similar in taste and strength to black coffee. The flavor profile of an Americano is characterized by its bold, rich, and full-bodied taste. The espresso in the drink imparts a dark, acidic flavor that is tempered slightly by the hot water. This results in a beverage that is more intense and slightly bitter when compared to a latte. Americanos are typically enjoyed by those who appreciate the strong, robust flavors of black coffee.

Latte Flavors and Creaminess

On the other hand, a latte is made with espresso and steamed milk, creating a creamy and more mellow beverage. The steamed milk in a latte not only adds a velvety texture but also a natural sweetness, thanks to the sugars found in milk. The combination of the espresso and milk in a latte balances the bitterness and acidity of the coffee, resulting in a smoother and gentler flavor profile. This makes lattes a popular choice among people who enjoy a more comforting and less intense coffee experience.

Lattes can also be flavored with various additions such as vanilla, caramel, or chocolate, further enhancing the taste and variety of the drink. The milk in a latte allows for the creation of delicate art, as the milk is frothed and poured over the espresso, adding a visual appeal to the beverage.

Comparing the Two

Americano Latte
Flavor Bold, rich, and full-bodied Creamy and more mellow
Bitterness More intense due to the espresso Balanced by the addition of milk
Texture Similar to black coffee Velvety and smooth due to steamed milk
Taste Dark, acidic, and slightly watery Sweeter and less intense

In summary, both Americanos and lattes have their unique taste and flavor profiles. While Americanos offer a strong, intense, and full-bodied experience, lattes provide a more creamy, smooth, and comforting beverage. Each has its distinct appeal, catering to the diverse tastes of coffee lovers.

For those passionate about crafting the perfect Americano or Latte at a larger scale, whether for a café or a bustling establishment, the right equipment makes all the difference. If you're looking to elevate your coffee game, consider exploring the Commercial espresso machine collection at Majesty Coffee. With commercial-grade espresso machines tailored for creating impeccable drinks, you're assured of quality and consistency every time. Invest in the best to serve the best.

Variations and Alternatives

In this section, we will explore various alternatives and variations of the Americano and latte, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of these popular coffee beverages.

Iced Americano and Iced Latte

The Iced Americano is a refreshing alternative to the hot Americano, prepared by pouring a shot of espresso over cold water and ice. The Iced version maintains the strong coffee flavor and aroma of the original Americano while providing a cooling effect.

On the other hand, an Iced Latte combines espresso with cold milk and ice, resulting in a creamy and less intense coffee flavor compared to the Iced Americano. Both drinks are great options for those seeking a chilled coffee beverage during warmer months.

Long Black and Americano Misto

The Long Black is similar to the Americano but differs in its preparation method. Instead of adding water to the espresso, the Long Black is made by pouring the espresso over hot water, which helps preserve its crema and results in a slightly stronger flavor.

Americano Misto, also known as a Caffè Misto, is a variation that includes steamed milk, bridging the gap between an Americano and a latte. This blend offers a balance of bold coffee flavor and the creaminess of milk.

Milk Alternatives

A growing trend in the coffee world is the use of milk alternatives, such as almond, soy, or oat milk. These non-dairy options can be used in both Americanos and lattes, offering a different taste and texture while catering to those with dietary restrictions or preferences.

Skinny Latte

A Skinny Latte is a lighter version of the traditional latte, made with non-fat or skim milk. This variation decreases the calorie and fat content, making it a popular choice for health-conscious individuals seeking a creamy coffee beverage.


The Cappuccino is another well-known coffee beverage, differing from the latte in its milk-to-espresso ratio and the inclusion of frothed milk on top. While both drinks contain espresso and steamed milk, the cappuccino typically has a thicker layer of froth, creating a distinct texture and appearance.


A Macchiato is an espresso-based drink, marked by a small amount of milk or milk foam. The term "macchiato" means "stained" or "spotted" in Italian, referring to the espresso being marked by the milk. The Macchiato offers a stronger coffee flavor compared to lattes and cappuccinos, making it an attractive option for those seeking a bolder taste.

By understanding the various alternatives and variations of the Americano and latte, you can better tailor your coffee experiences to suit your preferences and explore new flavors and textures within the coffee realm.

Caffeine, Calories, and Nutrition

Caffeine Content Comparison

When comparing Americano and latte, the caffeine content is an essential factor to consider. An Americano typically consists of 1-2 shots of espresso, which contains about 68 mg of caffeine per shot. A single shot Americano would have 68 mg of caffeine, while a double shot would contain around 136 mg. Lattes, on the other hand, generally contain the same amount of espresso as Americanos but are mixed with steamed and foamed milk. As a result, a 16-ounce (480-gram) latte contains roughly 173 mg of caffeine.

Calorie Counts and Milk Choices

Calorie content is another significant difference between Americanos and lattes. An Americano contains only espresso and hot water, with a single shot having around 5 calories and a double shot having approximately 10 calories. It is a low-calorie option for those who enjoy the taste of coffee without added extras.

Lattes have more calories than Americanos due to the addition of milk. The calorie count can vary depending on the type of milk used:

  • Whole milk: Approximately 100 kcal per 6-ounce serving
  • Low-fat milk: Fewer calories than whole milk, but the amount can vary by brand

Making informed milk choices when ordering a latte can help to manage caloric intake while still enjoying a creamy, delicious beverage.

Additions: Sugar, Syrups, and Toppings

Customizing an Americano or latte with sweeteners and toppings can enhance the flavor but also impact the nutritional value of the beverage. Some popular additions include:

  • Sugar: Adding sugar to an Americano or latte will increase the calorie count, with 1 teaspoon containing about 16 calories.
  • Syrups: Flavored syrups such as caramel, toffee, chocolate, and pumpkin spice can add a unique twist to a latte or Americano. However, these syrups often contain additional calories and sugar.
  • Honey: As a natural sweetener, honey can be a healthier alternative to sugar, with 1 teaspoon containing about 21 calories. Honey can be added to a latte or Americano to change the flavor profile without adding too many calories.

When customizing a beverage, it's essential to be mindful of the additions' nutritional impact while balancing the desired taste and flavor profile. By considering caffeine content, calorie counts, and various additions, coffee drinkers can make more informed choices when ordering a latte or Americano.

Barista Techniques and Latte Art

When it comes to making a latte, baristas need to have both skill and finesse in their techniques to achieve the perfect balance of flavors and visual aesthetics. One notable aspect of a latte is the latte art, which is created when baristas use their expertise to pour steamed milk into the espresso, resulting in intricate designs on the coffee's surface.

The process of creating latte art begins with the steamer, a key piece of equipment used by baristas to steam milk into a creamy, velvety texture called microfoam. Microfoam not only lends a delicious mouthfeel to the latte, but it also provides the foundation upon which the latte art is crafted.

Achieving the perfect microfoam involves a delicate balance of temperature and technique. Baristas must carefully submerge the steam wand into the milk, creating a whirlpool effect that incorporates air into the milk, giving it the desired frothy consistency. Taking care not to overheat the milk, baristas have to closely monitor the temperature, typically aiming for a range between 150°F and 155°F.

Once the microfoam is ready, the art begins. Using a steady hand and expert precision, baristas pour the frothy milk into the espresso, guiding the flow with subtle movements to create various shapes and designs. Some common latte art patterns include hearts, rosettas, and even intricate animals like swans. These visually striking designs not only make for an Instagram-worthy beverage but also demonstrate the barista's attention to detail and skill in crafting the perfect latte.

In summary, barista techniques and latte art play a significant role in differentiating a latte from other espresso-based drinks like an Americano. The artistic designs and skill required to create beautiful latte art serve as a testament to the careful process and expertise involved in making each delicious and visually appealing latte.

Coffee Connoisseur's Guide

Choosing Between Americano and Latte

For coffee enthusiasts, choosing the perfect coffee blend is an essential part of the experience. The Americano and Latte are both popular choices among coffee lovers, but they offer vastly different flavors and mouthfeels.

An Americano is made with espresso and double the amount of hot water, producing a strong and robust flavor. This coffee option is often preferred by those who enjoy a fuller, more intense taste similar to traditional brewed coffee. In contrast, a Latte consists of 1/4 espresso and 3/4 steamed milk, resulting in a smooth and creamy drink with milder coffee notes.

When deciding between an Americano and a Latte, consider which mouthfeel and taste profile appeals to you most. If you prefer a stronger coffee, opt for the Americano, whereas if you enjoy a silkier, less acidic drink, the Latte might be a better fit.

Popular Coffee Blends and Brewing Techniques

Cafe-goers in Europe and beyond often choose their beverage based on the type of beans and brewing technique used. The French Press, for example, is a popular method for creating a more concentrated and robust flavor. Using freshly ground coffee beans, this brewing technique can amplify the intensity of your Americano or provide a richer base for your Latte.

Some coffee shops offer an array of blends, each with their unique flavor profiles. These blends may include beans from different regions, which can affect the overall taste of your Americano or Latte. Experimenting with various coffee blends is a great way for coffee enthusiasts to discover their favorite combination.

Here are a few brewing methods often found in coffee comparison articles:

  • French Press: This technique is known for producing a strong and concentrated coffee. It uses a plunger and metal filter to press hot water through coarsely ground coffee.

  • Pour-Over: A manual pour-over method involves pouring hot water over coffee grounds in a paper or metal filter. The result is a cleaner, lighter taste compared to other brewing techniques.

  • Espresso Machine: The foundation of Americano and Latte drinks, the espresso machine uses pressure to force hot water through finely ground coffee, resulting in a concentrated and strong coffee.

In summary, the choice between an Americano and a Latte largely depends on personal taste preferences, with the Americano offering a more robust flavor and the Latte providing a smoother, creamier mouthfeel. By exploring different coffee blends and brewing techniques, coffee lovers can elevate their experience and discover their ideal coffee combination.

LatteLatte information
Tony Barlow

Tony Barlow

Majesty Coffee Technical Sales Expert - Meet the Team

Tony Barlow, with over a decade of experience in the coffee industry, is the go-to technical sales expert at Majesty Coffee. He's passionate about helping businesses find the right espresso equipment for their needs.

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