When looking up the Mahlkonig x54 vs Niche Zero, you might be considering the appearance of your coffee set-up.
It’s far from a shallow request. Modern technology has made it easier than ever to have your cake and eat it, too. A solid coffee grinder should not only grind beans quickly, but look beautiful on your shelf.
The Mahlkonig x54 vs Niche Zero both have some serious strengths in the form and function department. Let’s take a look at what they have to offer and which one you should buy.
For those in a hurry:
Mahlkonig x54 Home Espresso And Coffee Grinder: A solid, all-around burr grinder with durable flat burrs and very quiet operation. Ideal for offices and large households.
- Niche Zero: This grinder combines style with substance with a size-efficient wooden design and an extremely fast grind time. A great option for experienced homebrewers.
The similarities are few, but stack up as well-rounded features any coffee fan should expect nowadays.
Beautifully Quiet Grinding
Do you cringe before turning on a coffee grinder in the morning? Kiss those frustrations goodbye with both the Mahlkonig x54 and Niche Zero: they’re quiet models who are happy to stay under the radar.
The Mahlkonig x54 is equipped with optimized acoustics to maintain a sound range below 70 dB(A). That’s about as loud as a modern washing machine. The Niche Zero was also explicitly designed to meet consumer demand for a quiet grinder.
Quality Burr Grinders
If you want the best espresso around, you need to have a burr grinder on your side. Flat burrs and conical burrs are well-suited to the job.
The Mahlkonig x54 is equipped with 54mm flat steel burrs. Flat burrs are often considered the most consistent of the burr models: their large surface area also reduces heat, reducing burnt flavors in the final cup.
Did you know the Niche Zero originated from a popular Indiegogo campaign? Despite this novelty, the creators were keen on making sure it held up to all-around coffee grinders on the market. This model has 63mm conical burrs, a coveted feature among experienced espresso brewers. It technically produces two types of fine grounds, which can subtly shift the flavors in your cup.
Now for the plethora of differences. These will quickly sort themselves as must-haves depending on who you brew coffee for and where.
Grinding Speed
The Mahlkonig x54 is a solid burr grinder that will make coffeemaking a breeze. If you’re seeking out lightning fast results? The Niche Zero will be your top choice.
This burr grinder has the impressive feat of crushing two grams of coffee per second. This means you can make a shot of espresso in around six seconds. This is a must-have feature for business settings or for homebrewers who absolutely must drink the freshest of coffee (who wouldn’t?).
Grind Settings
How much do you like to fine tune your coffee?
The Mahlkonig comes with thirty-five preset grind settings, which is a solid number even for the experienced brewer. The Niche Zero goes a step further -- or rather, several steps further -- to have an infinite grind dial.
Size Difference
Are you worried about your burr grinder fitting alongside your other equipment or knick-knacks? When it comes to flexibility, the Niche Zero wins by a mile (or, rather, a few inches).
Mahlkonig x54 is 7.5 inches wide and 16.7 inches tall, while the Niche Zero is 4.8 inches wide and 8.3 inches tall.
Design Differences
Make no bones about it: both of these burr grinders are gorgeous.
The Mahlkonig is highly modern, defined by a sleek presentation that leans toward minimalism. It comes in a bold matte black, balanced by silver accents and a little pop of red to break up the eye.
The Niche Zero goes for a touch of the rustic, blending traditional black and silver with oak accents. The construction also has a charming lean, giving the grinder an almost artsy appearance while still looking downright classic.
Pricing Information
The Mahlkonig is a slightly higher price at $749, while the The Niche Zero is $579.
Which One Should You Choose?
The Mahlkonig x54 For The Home Office Or Large Household
With its more limited grind settings and larger size, the Mahlkonig x54 is ideal for home offices or large households. It’s far from pretentious and is happy to create you a quick coffee with less effort.
That doesn’t mean the coffee will be low-quality! This burr grinder model is still equipped with flat steel burrs that deliver a mean espresso. It’s also a quiet machine and won’t disturb your family members or co-workers.
The Niche Zero For The Passionate Homebrewer
For those that want a finer level of control -- without sacrificing space -- it’s time to consider the Niche Zero. This burr grinder made serious waves when it emerged and it’s no surprise why.
With an impressive grinding speed of two grams per second, this is an incredibly fast model that will ignite the fire of any passionate homebrewer. Its small size tucks it in neatly among your belongings and its beautiful design will ensure it’s the star of the party when guests are over.
Wrap Up
Choosing a solid burr grinder can seem hard in a sea of options, but once you focus on your must-haves? You’ll gravitate to your one and only in no time.
Get the lowest price for the Mahlkonig x54 here. If you have any questions or concerns, reach out to our live chat. We’re ready and waiting to answer your coffee-related questions so you can finally start enjoying better equipment!
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Tony Barlow, with over a decade of experience in the coffee industry, is the go-to technical sales expert at Majesty Coffee. He's passionate about helping businesses find the right espresso equipment for their needs.