french press

Discover the magic and mastery behind French press coffee with our ultimate guide. Curious about this iconic brewing method? Look no further! In this blog post, we unveil the essence of French press coffee, taking you on a flavorful journey through its history, process, and unique characteristics.

Get ready to immerse yourself in the world of rich aromas, full-bodied flavors, and the art of manual brewing.

Whether you're a coffee connoisseur or a curious beginner, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to appreciate and enjoy the true essence of French press coffee. Let's embark on a caffeinated adventure!

What is French Press Coffee

A Brief History

The French Press, a popular manual coffee brewing system, has an interesting history. Although its name suggests a French origin, the patent for the French press coffee maker actually came from the Italians. Over time, the design continued to evolve into the French press we know today, which is now a widely-used method for making coffee around the world.

Components of a French Press

A French press consists of several key components, including:

  1. Carafe: The carafe is the main container where the coffee brewing takes place. Usually made of glass, stainless steel, or ceramic material, it holds both the coffee grounds and hot water.
  2. Plunger: The plunger is a rod with a flat, mesh filter attached to the bottom, which is used to push the coffee grounds down.
  3. Lid: The lid helps to keep the heat inside the carafe while brewing and has an opening for the plunger to fit through.
  4. Filter: The mesh filter on the plunger separates the coffee grounds from the liquid, ensuring a smooth cup of coffee without coffee grounds in it.

The brewing process begins with coarse-ground coffee beans being placed in the carafe, followed by hot water. The mixture is allowed to steep for about 4-6 minutes before pressing down the plunger. During this steeping time, the coffee grounds initially form a layer or crust on top. This layer is then gently stirred, usually with a wooden spoon, to break it up and ensure that all the grounds are saturated and brewing evenly. After this, the plunger is slowly pressed down, separating the grounds from the liquid and producing a perfect cup of French press coffee.

This hands-on brewing method gives the user control over the strength and flavor of the coffee. By adjusting factors such as the grind size, coffee-to-water ratio, and steeping time, one can achieve a customized, delicious cup of coffee using a French press.

French Press Coffee Vs Other Brewing Methods

Drip Coffee

French press coffee differs from drip coffee in several ways. One key distinction is that the brewing process for French press coffee involves steeping coarse-ground coffee beans in hot water for 4-6 minutes, while drip coffee brewing uses hot water passing through finer grounds. Consequently, French press coffee often has a richer and more robust flavor compared to drip coffee. Drip coffee makers typically produce 60-100 mg of caffeine per 8-ounce cup, depending on the brewing variables.

Pour Over

Pour-over brewing involves pouring hot water over coffee grounds in a conical filter placed on top of a cup or carafe. This method extracts the coffee flavors more slowly compared to other brewing methods, often resulting in a smoother and more well-balanced taste. Compared to French press, this method usually requires more attention and precision because the speed and pattern of water poured over the grounds play crucial roles in the end product. French press is simpler and more accessible for someone with minimal expertise.


Espresso is made by forcing hot water under high pressure through fine coffee grounds, resulting in a concentrated, bold, and often intense flavor. This method differs significantly from French press coffee in terms of taste, texture, and brewing process. French press coffee is characterized by its full-bodied, coarser texture due to the brewing method, whereas an espresso shot has a smooth and thicker consistency, often topped with crema.

Cold Brew

Cold brew coffee is prepared by steeping coffee grounds in cold or room-temperature water for an extended period, typically 12-24 hours. Unlike hot brewing methods like French press, cold brewing results in a smoother, less acidic, and naturally sweeter flavor profile. The slow extraction process provides a different taste experience compared to French press coffee, which is known for its rich and robust taste.

Though the brewing times differ greatly in each method, French press coffee offers a distinct balance between convenience and deliciousness with its relatively short brewing time of 4-6 minutes. The brewing processes mentioned are all unique and cater to different preferences and occasions, but French press coffee remains a popular and accessible choice for its simplicity and full-bodied flavor.

Preparing French Press Coffee

When it comes to preparing French press coffee, there are a few key factors to consider. In this section, we will delve into selecting the right coffee beans, understanding the ideal grind size, and managing water temperature.

Selecting the Right Coffee Beans

The quality and type of coffee beans have a significant impact on the final product. Opt for freshly roasted beans, as they will offer the best flavor. It is also essential to choose the right roast level, as different roasts will produce varying degrees of flavor and intensity. Some common options include:

  • Light roast: Offers a mild, delicate flavor with fruity and floral notes.
  • Medium roast: Provides a balanced taste with hints of acidity and a smooth finish.
  • Dark roast: Delivers a bold, strong flavor with notes of bitterness and low acidity.

Ideal Grind Size

To ensure a perfect French press coffee, pay attention to the grind size. Using a burr grinder is highly recommended, as it provides a more consistent grind size compared to blade grinders. For French press coffee, you want a coarsely ground coffee, which allows for proper extraction and avoids an overly bitter taste. The ideal grind size can be described as:

  • Coarse: Resembles large particles, like breadcrumbs or cornmeal.
  • Medium-coarse: Slightly smaller in size, similar to coarse sand.
  • Fine: Comparable to table salt or granulated sugar.

Avoid using pre-ground coffee, as it may not be ground to the appropriate size for a French press and may result in an inferior brew.

Understanding Water Temperature

The water temperature plays an essential role in brewing French press coffee. The ideal water temperature for brewing is between 195°F (91°C) and 205°F (96°C). Using water that is too hot may result in over-extraction, leading to a bitter taste. On the other hand, water that is too cool may lead to under-extraction and a weak, insipid brew.

Here are some tips for managing water temperature when preparing French press coffee:

  1. Use a kettle with temperature control to ensure the water is heated to the perfect temperature.
  2. If using a standard kettle, let the water sit for about 30 seconds after boiling before pouring it over the coffee grounds.
  3. Rinse the French press with hot water before adding coffee grounds and water. This helps to maintain the ideal brewing temperature.

By carefully selecting the right coffee beans, paying attention to grind size, and managing water temperature, you can prepare a delicious, well-balanced French press coffee.

Brewing the Perfect French Press Coffee

Step-by-Step Guide

To brew a delicious cup of French press coffee, follow these steps:

  1. Start by using coarsely ground coffee beans. The ideal ratio is 1:15, or one part coffee to 15 parts water.

  2. Boil water, then let it sit for about 45 seconds to achieve the necessary temperature, between 195 and 205 degrees Fahrenheit.

  3. Add the coffee grounds to your French press carafe and gently shake it to level the grounds.

  4. Pour the hot water over the coffee grounds and let it "bloom" for about 30 seconds.

  5. After the bloom, pour the remaining water. Maintain a ratio of approximately one-third of the total amount of hot water to the coffee grounds.

  6. Stir gently for 30 to 60 seconds, ensuring the coffee grounds are evenly mixed with the water.

Brew Time

For optimal flavor extraction, let the coffee steep for about four minutes. It is crucial to use a kitchen timer during this step to prevent under-extraction or over-extraction of the coffee, resulting in weak or overly bitter flavors.

Adjusting Variables for Taste

Keep in mind that the taste of your French press coffee is subjective. To find your perfect cup of coffee, consider adjusting the following variables:

  • Grind size: Too fine of a grind may result in an over-extracted and bitter cup. Experiment with coarser grinds to achieve balance in taste.

  • Coffee-to-water ratio: Adjust the ratio of coffee grounds to water to either increase or decrease the strength of your coffee.

  • Water temperature: Brewing between 195 and 205 degrees Fahrenheit is essential for extracting the best flavors from your coffee. Experiment with temperatures within this range to find your preference.

  • Brew time: As mentioned earlier, four minutes is the standard brew time for French press coffee. However, you can extend or reduce the brew time to achieve a stronger or weaker cup, depending on your preference.

Remember, brewing French press coffee is an art form that requires practice and experimentation. The more you brew, the better you become at consistently making a delicious cup of coffee. Happy brewing!

Additional Tips and Tricks

Rinsing the Coffee Grounds

One helpful tip when making French press coffee is to rinse the coffee grounds before brewing. This step helps remove any impurities or dust that may be present, ensuring a cleaner flavor in the final brew. To do this, simply place the coffee grounds in a fine mesh strainer and rinse them with cold water for a few seconds. Shake off any excess water and transfer the coffee grounds to your French press.

Kosher Salt Technique

A unique method to enhance the flavor of your French press coffee is to add a pinch of kosher salt to the coffee grounds before brewing. It may sound strange, but the kosher salt can help balance the natural bitterness of the coffee and produce a smoother, more balanced flavor. To try this technique, add a small pinch of kosher salt to your coffee grounds before adding the hot water. Proceed with the brewing process as usual, and you'll find a surprising improvement in the taste of your coffee.

Serving Suggestions

When it comes to serving French press coffee, there are a few options to consider for the best experience. One way to elevate your coffee is by adding a dollop of whipped cream to the top. This complements the rich flavors of the coffee and adds an element of indulgence. Alternatively, you can enjoy your French press coffee plain or with a splash of milk or cream, depending on your preference.

Remember, the key to a great French press coffee is using freshly ground coffee beans, the right coffee-to-water ratio, and allowing it to steep for an appropriate amount of time before plunging. By following these basic guidelines and implementing some additional tips and tricks, like rinsing the coffee grounds and experimenting with kosher salt, one can improve the overall flavor and enjoyment of your French press coffee.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Cleaning after Use

To properly clean a French press coffee maker after use, follow these simple steps:

  1. Remove the coffee grounds: First, dispose of the used coffee grounds from the carafe. It is important to avoid putting them down the sink or into a garbage disposal to prevent clogging.
  2. Disassemble the parts: Next, separate the plunger from the carafe to ensure all parts are cleaned thoroughly.
  3. Rinse all components: Use warm water to rinse each component of the French press, paying close attention to the filter, as it can become sharp if frayed.
  4. Wash with mild soap and water: After rinsing, wash each part with mild soap and water, using a sponge or a bottle brush to gently scrub away any residue.
  5. Rinse the parts again: After cleaning, thoroughly rinse all the components of the French press to remove any soap residue.
  6. Dry the components: Place each part on a drying rack to air dry or use a lint-free cloth or paper towel to dry them immediately before reassembling the French press for use.

Prolonging the Life of Your French Press

To extend the lifespan of your French press coffee maker and ensure that it continues to produce high-quality coffee, it is important to perform regular deep cleans. Here's how:

  1. Use baking soda and water: Mix equal parts baking soda and water to create a paste. Apply this paste to each component of the French press, and use a sponge or bottle brush to scrub away any residue. Rinse all parts thoroughly.
  2. Rinse with vinegar and water: Prepare a solution of equal parts vinegar and water to tackle any mineral build-up caused by hard water. Rinse each component of the French press with this mixture to remove build-up and prevent damage.
  3. Inspect and replace the filter as needed: Regularly check the filter for signs of damage, fraying, or excessive residue. If you find any issues, replace the filter to ensure the best possible brewing experience.

By following these cleaning and maintenance tips, you can keep your French press coffee maker in optimal condition and enjoy consistently delicious coffee.

Notable French Press Brands


Bodum is a leading brand in the world of French press coffee makers, well-known for their extensive range of budget-friendly and quality products. Founded in 1944, they have since expanded their product line to include grinders, milk frothers, and other coffee accessories, but their French presses remain the flagship. Their popular offerings often start as low as $10, making them accessible to a wide range of consumers.

Bodum French presses are designed with quality and functionality in mind. Some key features of Bodum French presses include sturdy borosilicate glass carafes, stainless steel plungers, and mesh filters. These components not only ensure durability but also contribute to a great-tasting cup of coffee.

Others to Consider

While Bodum is a standout brand, there are other notable French press brands worth considering when searching for the perfect brew.

  • Fellow: The Fellow French press offers highly-rated performance with its modern and stylish design. It gained popularity due to its superior heat retention capabilities compared to other models.

  • Sterling Pro: This French press coffee maker provides a reliable brewing experience while producing a fine cup of coffee. The Sterling Pro brand is known for its durability and ease of use.

  • Brim: The Brim 8-Cup French Press features a three-part stainless steel plunger and a mesh filter that distinguishes it from other models. Its borosilicate glass carafe is dishwasher-safe, and the filter lid keeps grounds out of your drink for a smooth pour and taste.

  • Volcanica Coffee: While not a French press brand itself, Volcanica Coffee's French Roast blend is specifically designed for use in a French press. This blend incorporates Arabica beans sourced from Guatemala and Sumatra's volcanic regions, offering a unique flavor profile ideal for this brewing method.

To help you choose the right French press, remember to consider factors such as brewing capacity, materials used in construction, ease of cleaning, and heat retention capabilities. With a variety of options available, there's a French press brand available to suit every taste and budget.

Using a French Press for Tea

While French presses are commonly associated with making coffee, they can also be an excellent tool for brewing tea. This section will discuss how to use a French press for tea, providing detailed instructions and useful tips to help you achieve the best possible results.

How to Brew Tea in a French Press

To make tea using a French press, follow these simple steps:

  1. Measure your tea: Place loose leaf tea into the French press, using one teaspoon per cup of water. You may adjust the amount in subsequent brews to achieve your desired strength.

  2. Heat the water: Bring water to the appropriate temperature for the type of tea you're brewing. Generally, use lower temperatures for more delicate green or white teas, around 175°F (80°C), and higher temperatures for black and red teas (190-210°F or 88-99°C).

  3. Pour the water: Slowly pour the heated water over the tea leaves in the French press until the carafe is filled to your desired level.

  4. Steep the tea: Place the lid onto the French press to retain the heat, but do not press down the plunger yet. Allow the tea to steep for the recommended time based on the type of tea:

    • Green tea: 2.5 - 3.5 minutes
    • Black tea: 3 - 5 minutes
    • Oolong tea: 4 - 6 minutes
    • White tea: 4 - 5 minutes
    • Herbal tea: 5 - 15 minutes
  5. Plunge and serve: Before pressing down the plunger, you may give the tea a gentle stir to ensure all leaves are submerged and evenly distributed. Slowly press down the plunger to separate the tea leaves from the liquid. Pour your brewed tea into cups and enjoy!

Some factors to consider when brewing tea with a French press include using high-quality tea leaves and adjusting the brewing time and water temperature to your preferences. By following these guidelines, you can easily brew excellent tea using your French press, adding another versatile tool to your beverage-making arsenal.

French press
Tony Barlow

Tony Barlow

Majesty Coffee Technical Sales Expert - Meet the Team

Tony Barlow, with over a decade of experience in the coffee industry, is the go-to technical sales expert at Majesty Coffee. He's passionate about helping businesses find the right espresso equipment for their needs.

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