matcha latte

Greetings, beverage lovers! Are you interested in exploring the differences between two popular drinks - matcha latte and coffee? In this comprehensive comparison guide, we'll be analyzing the tea, milk, and sweeteners used in matcha latte, the coffee beans, brewing methods, and taste profiles of coffee. Whether you're a dedicated matcha fan or a coffee aficionado, get ready to expand your knowledge and discover which drink is the ultimate winner for your taste buds. Join us as we delve into the world of matcha latte and coffee and uncover what sets them apart.

Understanding Matcha and Coffee

What is Matcha

Matcha is a type of green tea that originates from Japan. It is made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, which are finely ground into a rich, vibrant green powder. One of the features that sets matcha apart from other types of tea is the way it's cultivated. The tea plants are shaded for about three weeks before harvest, which boosts their chlorophyll levels, giving the leaves a deeper green color and increasing their nutrient content.

Matcha has gained popularity worldwide due to its unique taste, health benefits, and versatility. It can be enjoyed as a traditional tea or incorporated into various recipes, such as smoothies, baked goods, and, of course, matcha lattes. The flavor of matcha is described as grassy or earthy, and its caffeine content ranges from 19 to 44 mg per gram, with an average of 55 mg per 2-ounce serving.

What is Coffee

Coffee is a popular beverage made from the roasted seeds, or beans, of the Coffea plant. The process of roasting coffee beans is crucial for developing the distinct flavors and aromas associated with coffee. Depending on the roast level, coffee can exhibit nutty, chocolaty, or even fruity notes.

There are several methods for brewing coffee, including drip, French press, espresso, and cold brew, which can produce a wide range of flavors and intensities. A standard 8-ounce cup of coffee typically contains a caffeine concentration of 96 mg. Espresso, a concentrated form of coffee, is served in smaller amounts but has a higher caffeine content per ounce. As such, the caffeine content in coffee varies depending on the brewing method and serving size.

To summarize, matcha and coffee are both beverages that provide energy and support cognitive function through their caffeine content. Matcha comes from the green tea plant and has a grassy, earthy taste, while coffee is derived from roasted coffee beans and exhibits a richer, more complex flavor profile. Both have unique characteristics and health benefits that appeal to a wide range of people, making them popular choices for those seeking an energizing beverage with distinctive flavor profiles.

Caffeine Content Comparison

When comparing matcha latte and coffee, it's essential to examine their caffeine contents as it directly relates to the energy they provide. Though both beverages contain caffeine, their levels and effects differ considerably.

In an 8-ounce cup of coffee, there are typically around 95 milligrams of caffeine. Espresso, a more condensed and powerful version of coffee, contains around 63 milligrams of caffeine in just a 1-ounce shot. Decaf coffee, meanwhile, offers a significantly lower dose of caffeine, usually ranging from 2-5 milligrams per 8-ounce cup. The caffeine content in coffee is widely responsible for the energy boost and increased alertness that consumers experience.

On the other hand, matcha powder — the main ingredient for a matcha latte — has 19-44 milligrams of caffeine per gram. This translates to 38-88 milligrams of caffeine in a 2-ounce (60-mL) serving if prepared according to traditional methods. While this appears lower compared to an 8-ounce cup of coffee, it's important to note that matcha usually comes in smaller servings, making their caffeine content appear more concentrated.

Aside from the caffeine difference, matcha also contains an amino acid called L-theanine. One of its primary functions is to help balance the effects of caffeine, providing a smoother and more sustained energy release with less jitters and crashes than coffee. This combination of caffeine and L-theanine results in a more stable and focused mental state.

To summarize the caffeine content comparison:

  • Coffee: 95 mg per 8 oz cup
  • Espresso: 63 mg per 1 oz shot
  • Decaf Coffee: 2-5 mg per 8 oz cup
  • Matcha (traditional preparation): 38-88 mg per 2 oz serving

In conclusion, when selecting between a matcha latte and coffee, both offer varying amounts of caffeine and related energy boosts. Coffee typically delivers a higher caffeine dose, while matcha provides a more balanced energy release due to the presence of L-theanine.

Health Benefits and Downsides

Antioxidants and Nutrients

Matcha and coffee both contain antioxidants and nutrients that provide health benefits. Matcha, in particular, is known for its high concentration of antioxidants, namely catechins, which help fight oxidative stress. Coffee, on the other hand, primarily contains polyphenols that also have antioxidant effects.

Energy Boost and Focus

Both matcha and coffee offer a boost in energy, thanks to their caffeine content. However, the energy boost from matcha is more sustainable and less likely to cause a caffeine crash. This can be attributed to the presence of L-theanine in matcha, an amino acid that promotes relaxation while maintaining alertness, enhancing cognitive function, and improving brain function.

Anxiety, Jitters, and Calming Effect

Caffeine is known to cause anxiety and jitters in some people. While both matcha and coffee contain caffeine, matcha's caffeine content is balanced by L-theanine, which provides a calming effect without causing drowsiness. This makes matcha a better option for those who are sensitive to caffeine and prone to anxiety or jitters from coffee.

Weight Loss and Heart Health

Both matcha and coffee may aid in weight loss due to their effect on metabolism. However, the catechins in matcha, specifically epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), are known to boost metabolism and promote fat oxidation, giving matcha a slight edge in weight loss support. In terms of heart health, both matcha and coffee contain compounds that may help reduce risk factors related to heart disease, such as platelet aggregation and artery blockage.

Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, and Blood Sugar

Moderate coffee consumption has been linked to positive effects on cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels. However, excessive coffee intake may have adverse effects on cholesterol levels. Matcha, on the other hand, has been found to improve glucose regulation in studies and may potentially have positive effects on cholesterol and blood pressure, although more research is needed to confirm these findings.

Inflammation, Oral Hygiene, and Cancer Risk

The antioxidants found in both matcha and coffee may help reduce inflammation in the body. Some research suggests that the catechins in matcha may protect against oral infections and improve dental health, while coffee has been linked to a reduced risk of certain types of cancer such as colorectal cancer. However, it is important to consume both beverages in moderation to maintain their health benefits and minimize any potential downsides.

In summary, both matcha and coffee offer various health benefits, including antioxidants, energy boosts, and potential heart health improvements. However, matcha may present fewer downsides for those sensitive to caffeine and provides a more balanced and sustainable energy boost through the presence of L-theanine. It is always essential to consume these beverages in moderation and consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating them into a regular diet for health purposes.

Matcha Latte Vs. Black Coffee

When comparing matcha latte and black coffee, there are several factors to consider, such as taste, caffeine content, antioxidants, and nutritional value.

In terms of flavor, matcha latte is known for its grassy, earthy taste with a smooth, creamy texture, while black coffee has a more roasted, sometimes nutty, or chocolaty flavor and aroma. Though both beverages have distinct flavor profiles, individual preference will ultimately determine which one is more appealing.

Caffeine content is another key difference between matcha latte and black coffee. A half teaspoon of powdered matcha has about 20 to 39 milligrams of caffeine, whereas an 8 fluid ounce cup of black coffee contains approximately 96 milligrams of caffeine. Consequently, black coffee typically has a higher caffeine content than matcha latte, making matcha a better option for those who prefer lower caffeine intake.

Regarding antioxidants, matcha contains three times as many antioxidants as green tea, contributing to its health benefits. Coffee also comes with antioxidants, ranging from 200 to 550 milligrams per cup. Antioxidants play a crucial role in protecting the body from damage caused by free radicals, strengthening the immune system, and promoting overall health.

When considering nutritional value, it's essential to focus on the fat and calories found in both matcha latte and black coffee. Matcha lattes, especially when made with milk or a milk substitute, contain calories and fat that might be absent in black coffee (as long as additives like sugar or cream are avoided). A typical matcha latte can have anywhere between 100-240 calories, depending on the type and quantity of milk used. Black coffee, on the other hand, has nearly zero calories when consumed without additives.

In summary, both matcha latte and black coffee have their unique tastes, caffeine levels, antioxidants, and nutritional content. Personal preference and individual nutritional goals will play a significant role in determining which beverage is the better choice for a given situation.

Preparation and Serving Methods

This section will delve into the preparation and serving methods of both matcha latte and coffee, providing insights and important details for each recipe.

Matcha Latte Preparation

Matcha latte, a popular variation of the traditional matcha tea, involves mixing matcha powder with a liquid, typically steamed milk or a dairy-free alternative. To begin, place one teaspoon of matcha powder in a heatproof cup or a matcha bowl. It is important to note that an authentic matcha latte recipe calls for a fine, high-quality matcha powder. Next, slowly whisk in approximately 1/4 cup of boiling water. Use a bamboo whisk, or chasen, in a zigzag motion, to ensure that the matcha powder is well-dissolved and to create a frothy texture.

After the matcha powder is smoothly incorporated, add the steamed milk or dairy-free alternative (such as almond milk) to the mixture. Tilt the cup slightly while whisking to create more foam. Adjust the sweetness level by adding a natural sweetener like agave syrup, if desired. A matcha latte can be enjoyed either hot or iced, depending on personal preference.

Coffee Brewing Techniques

There are several methods for brewing coffee, each with its unique advantages and characteristics. The following are a few popular techniques:

  • French Press: Ideal for a rich and full-bodied coffee. Measure the desired amount of coffee grounds and place them in the French press. Add hot water that is slightly below boiling (approximately 200°F/93°C) and stir to ensure uniform saturation of the coffee grounds. Let the mixture steep for 4 minutes. Slowly press the plunger down to separate the grounds from the liquid. Pour to serve.

  • Drip Coffee Maker: This method is popular for producing a smooth, clean cup of black coffee. Measure the appropriate amount of coffee grounds, taking into account the desired coffee strength and the size of the drip coffee maker. Place the grounds in the filter basket, and pour water into the reservoir. Turn the machine on, and let the hot water flow through the coffee grounds and into the carafe.

  • Espresso Machine: Utilizing pressure, an espresso machine extracts a concentrated, strong coffee. The process involves grinding coffee beans to a fine consistency, which should be reminiscent of powdered sugar. Tamp the grounds evenly in the portafilter and click it into the machine. Engage the pump to initiate the extraction process, and let the machine run until the desired amount of espresso is in the cup.

While matcha lattes and coffee have distinct preparation methods and flavors, both beverages hold appeal depending on individual preferences. For those particularly passionate about coffee, the espresso method stands out due to its unique taste and brewing technique. If you're a business owner or an enthusiast looking to serve the best espresso shots, investing in the right equipment is paramount. A commercial quality espresso machine is crucial for achieving that perfect brew consistently. Majesty Coffee has an impressive collection where you can purchase a commercial espresso machine to match your specific needs. These methods ensure an enjoyable experience for baristas and consumers alike, emphasizing the importance of proper technique and equipment.

Types of Milks and Sweeteners

When it comes to preparing matcha lattes, there are various types of milks and sweeteners one can use to create a beverage catered to individual preferences. This section delves into the different types of milks and sweeteners that can be used in a matcha latte and their potential benefits or drawbacks.


A wide range of milk options exists for those who enjoy matcha lattes. Some of the most popular options include:

  • Oat milk: Known for its creamy texture and natural sweetness, oat milk pairs well with matcha and is favored by many for use in lattes. It is also a good option for those who may have dietary restrictions or allergies.
  • Almond milk: Another popular dairy-free milk choice, almond milk has a subtle nutty flavor that complements matcha well. It is also lower in calories than traditional dairy milk.
  • Coconut milk: With a distinctive tropical taste, coconut milk adds richness to matcha lattes. It is also suitable for those following a vegan or dairy-free diet.
  • Cashew milk, macadamia milk, and hemp seed milk: These less common plant-based milk options can also be used in a matcha latte, although their stronger flavors may alter the taste of the drink.

Using a milk alternative that is high in calories or fat could potentially have implications for those concerned about fatty liver disease. However, when consumed in moderation, these milks can still be part of a healthy diet.


While the choice of milk can impact the overall taste of a matcha latte, adding a sweetener can further enhance the flavor. Some options for sweeteners include:

  • Honey: A natural sweetener, honey works well with matcha lattes and provides a subtle sweetness.
  • Agave syrup: This plant-based sweetener has a similar consistency to honey and is a popular choice for those with vegan dietary preferences.
  • Sugar: Traditional granulated sugar can be used to sweeten a matcha latte, but it may not be the healthiest option due to its high calorie count.
  • Stevia: A zero-calorie, plant-based sweetener, stevia is an option for those seeking to reduce their sugar intake.

In summary, there are many different milks and sweeteners available to customize matcha lattes, catering to various tastes and dietary preferences. Understanding the properties of these options can help individuals enjoy matcha lattes without compromising their health goals or their enjoyment of the beverage.

Latte information
Tony Barlow

Tony Barlow

Majesty Coffee Technical Sales Expert - Meet the Team

Tony Barlow, with over a decade of experience in the coffee industry, is the go-to technical sales expert at Majesty Coffee. He's passionate about helping businesses find the right espresso equipment for their needs.

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