coffee and coffee beans

Are you a coffee lover who can't decide between a classic cup of coffee or a creamy and indulgent latte? In this in-depth guide, we're comparing the two most popular coffee drinks - latte and coffee. Get ready to learn about the brewing methods, taste profiles, and caffeine content of these two drinks. Which one will be your new favorite for a morning pick-me-up or an afternoon break? Let's find out!

Latte vs. Coffee: Definitions and Origins

Latte: Definition and Origin

A latte, also known as a caffè latte, is a popular Italian coffee drink that features a combination of rich espresso and milk, traditionally made with whole milk. The term "caffè latte" translates to "coffee with milk" in Italian. Lattes are known for their smooth, rich flavor that has a slightly bitter aftertaste.

The latte is typically composed of one or two shots of espresso, two-thirds steamed milk, and a thin layer of frothed milk on top. The combination of the espresso and milk creates an aesthetically pleasing appearance and smooth texture. The frothed milk on top adds a silky layer of foam, which is a signature element of the latte.

In terms of caffeine content, lattes have less caffeine than regular coffee. A single shot of espresso in a latte contains approximately 65 milligrams of caffeine, while an 8-ounce cup of brewed coffee can contain as much as 140 milligrams.

Coffee: Definition and Origin

Coffee is a widely consumed beverage that originates from the roasted coffee beans. These beans are found inside the bright red cherries of the Coffea plants, which are native to tropical regions in Africa. The process of brewing coffee involves grinding the roasted beans and running hot water through the grounds, resulting in a beverage that contains varying levels of caffeine and flavor, dependent on the brewing method and the type of coffee bean used.

Coffee can be made using numerous brewing methods, such as drip, pour-over, or immersion methods like the French press. The strength and taste of the brewed coffee can vary depending on factors like the roast level, grind size, and brewing technique.

In comparison to lattes, coffee is typically served black, with no added milk or foam. However, it is not uncommon for individuals to add milk, cream, or sugar to coffee to suit their personal taste preferences.

To summarize:

Beverage Base Ingredient Milk Content Caffeine Content
Latte Espresso Steamed Milk Approx. 65mg
Coffee Brewed Coffee None Up to 140mg

Overall, both lattes and traditional coffee offer unique taste experiences to satisfy the palate of any coffee enthusiast. Lattes provide a smooth, creamy experience with a touch of foam, while coffee offers a more robust flavor profile that can be customized to individual preferences.

Brewing Methods and Equipment

When it comes to the world of coffee, there are various brewing methods and equipment that can produce different types of coffee beverages like lattes and regular coffee. In this section, we will explore some popular brewing methods, including Espresso Machine, French Press, Drip Coffee Maker, and Chemex.

Espresso Machine

An espresso machine is a piece of equipment specifically designed to create espresso shots, which are a concentrated form of coffee. When making a latte, an espresso machine is used to extract the rich, bold flavors from finely ground coffee beans under high pressure. This process produces a strong, concentrated coffee base that is then combined with steamed milk and topped with froth to create the distinct latte experience.

French Press

The French Press is a popular manual brewing method for making regular coffee. To brew using a French Press, coarsely ground coffee beans are steeped in hot water for about four minutes, and then the plunger is pressed down to separate the coffee grounds from the liquid. The result is a full-bodied cup of coffee with a rich flavor profile. While a French Press is not typically used for making lattes, it gives coffee enthusiasts an alternative option for brewing more traditional coffee beverages.

Drip Coffee Maker

A Drip Coffee Maker is a common appliance found in many households, and it uses gravity to extract coffee. Hot water is poured over medium-ground coffee beans in a filter, and the brewed coffee drips into a waiting carafe below. The process typically takes a few minutes to complete, and the final product is a classic cup of coffee with a more subdued and balanced flavor compared to espresso-based beverages like lattes.


The Chemex is another manual brewing method that combines elements of both drip and immersion brewing techniques. In this method, a thick paper filter is placed in the Chemex's conical top, and medium-coarse ground coffee beans are added. Hot water is then poured over the grounds in a circular motion, allowing the coffee to steep and extract slowly. The brewed coffee collects in the bottom part of the Chemex, resulting in a clean, crisp cup with well-defined flavors. Though not typically used for lattes, the Chemex provides coffee aficionados with yet another variation in the realm of brewing regular coffee.

In particular, if you're seeking to elevate the quality of your lattes and wish to replicate the robust flavors found in professional coffee shops, considering an upgrade to a commercial espresso machine is a must. These machines not only offer higher consistency and precision but also cater to high-volume needs, ensuring that every cup served is of the highest standard. For those who are interested in taking their coffee business to the next level or even enthusiasts looking to bring professional-quality coffee to their homes, you can purchase a commercial espresso maker from our curated collection. With the right equipment, the taste difference becomes remarkably distinguishable, allowing you to serve or enjoy an unmatched iced chai latte every time.

Composition and Flavor Profiles


Lattes are made from a combination of espresso, steamed milk, and a layer of milk foam. The typical composition consists of 1/3 espresso, 2/3 steamed milk, and a layer of foam on top. Some lattes also include flavored syrups added to enhance their taste.

The flavor profile of a latte is generally described as smooth and creamy, with a sweeter taste than black coffee. This can be attributed to the milk, which contains natural sugars that help to neutralize the bitterness of the espresso. Additionally, the foam adds a velvety texture to the drink.

Black Coffee

Black coffee refers to coffee that is brewed without any add-ins, such as milk or sugar. It is often made using drip coffee methods or a French press. The flavor profile of black coffee can vary greatly depending on factors such as the beans used, the roast level, and the brewing method.

Generally, black coffee is described as having a bold, sharp, and sometimes bitter flavor. It provides a more robust and intense experience compared to lattes, without the added sweetness and creaminess of the milk.


Espresso is a concentrated coffee beverage made by forcing hot water through finely-ground coffee beans under high pressure. It is the base for many different types of coffee drinks, including lattes. When comparing espresso to black coffee, it is considerably stronger and more concentrated in terms of caffeine and flavor.

The flavor profile of espresso can be described as rich, intense, and somewhat bitter, with noticeable notes of acidity. When used as a base for lattes, the strong taste of espresso is balanced out by the sweetness and creaminess of the steamed milk and foam, resulting in a more subtle and enjoyable flavor for many coffee drinkers.

And speaking of espresso, to achieve that perfect balance in a coffee drink, one needs a high-quality espresso machine. For businesses and serious coffee enthusiasts looking to serve or enjoy the best espresso, browsing through our commercial espresso machine collection offers a variety of top-notch options. Whether you're aiming to purchase a commercial espresso maker or looking for espresso machines for commercial use, you'll find what you need. The right equipment can make a significant difference in the final product, ensuring that each brew highlights the best flavors and aromas of your chosen beans.

Caffeine, Calories, and Nutrition

Caffeine Content

When comparing the caffeine content between a latte and a regular coffee, it is important to note that a latte generally contains less caffeine. A latte is made with one espresso shot, which contains about 68mg of caffeine. On the other hand, an 8-ounce serving of coffee contains between 170mg and 220mg of caffeine, depending on the brewing method.

Calorie Content

The calorie content in a latte is significantly higher than that of a regular black coffee. A regular black coffee typically contains only 1 calorie per 8 oz serving, since it does not have added milk, sweeteners, or other ingredients. Conversely, a latte, which contains milk and sometimes sweeteners, can have anywhere from 110 to 200 calories per 8 oz serving.

Milk-Based Alternatives

For those who are looking for healthier alternatives or those with dairy restrictions, it is possible to make lattes with milk substitutes. Some popular options include:

  • Almond milk: This low-calorie milk alternative can help reduce the overall caloric content of a latte, while still maintaining its creamy texture.
  • Soy milk: Another plant-based alternative, soy milk contains a similar amount of protein to cow's milk but with fewer calories.
  • Oat milk: Oat milk is a great choice for those who want a thicker, creamier texture without the need for dairy. It also provides some beneficial nutrients and fiber.

In summary, when discussing lattes versus coffee with respect to caffeine, calories, and nutrition, it's important to recognize that while lattes generally have less caffeine, they often contain more calories due to added milk and sweeteners. However, using milk alternatives can help lower the calorie content and provide a delicious and nutritious alternative to traditional dairy-containing lattes.

Latte Art and Presentation

When it comes to the presentation of a latte, a key aspect that sets it apart from regular coffee is the visually appealing designs created with milk froth. Latte art has grown in popularity as skilled baristas showcase their talents, transforming a simple cup of coffee into a work of art.

Latte Art Techniques

There are two main techniques used in creating latte art: free pour and etching. Free pour involves a barista pouring steamed milk into espresso in such a manner that it creates a design on the surface. This technique requires practice and precision to create smooth, continuous lines and shapes. On the other hand, etching involves using a tool, such as a toothpick or a latte art pen, to draw intricate designs on the milk froth after it has been poured onto the espresso. This technique allows for more detailed and complex designs.

When preparing the milk for latte art, it is essential to steam the milk properly, creating a silky-smooth texture with microfoam. The steaming process incorporates air into the milk, making it foamy and perfect for creating latte art designs. For optimal results, 9 fluid ounces of cold milk should expand to about 10 fluid ounces once steamed.

Popular Latte Art Designs

There are several popular latte art designs that you can frequently see in cafes and coffee shops:

  • Heart: One of the most common designs, made by pouring milk into the center of the espresso, keeping the pitcher low and then lifting it to create the heart's shape.
  • Tulip: Similar to the heart, but with multiple layers of milk, creating a stacked pattern of hearts that resemble a tulip.
  • Rosetta: A more intricate design created by moving the milk pitcher in a side-to-side motion as it's poured, creating a leaf-like pattern.
  • Swan: A more advanced design involving a combination of the heart, rosetta, and free-pour movements to create the elegant shape of a swan.

In conclusion, latte art is a significant aspect of the latte experience that showcases the skill and creativity of baristas. The carefully steamed milk and artistic designs not only enhance the presentation of a latte but also add to its luxurious, smooth taste.

Cousins of Lattes and Coffee

In this section, we will discuss some popular beverages that are often associated with lattes and coffee. These cousins include Cappuccino, Mocha, Macchiato, and Tea. Each of these beverages has its unique characteristics and preparation methods, making them interesting alternatives to lattes and coffee.


A cappuccino is a classic Italian coffee drink made from espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam. It typically consists of equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and foam. The key to a perfect cappuccino lies in its balanced ratio of coffee, milk, and foam, leading to a velvety texture and a rich taste. This beverage is perfect for those who enjoy the bold flavor of espresso but prefer a smoother and creamier finish.


Mocha is a decadent coffee-based drink that combines espresso with chocolate syrup and steamed milk, topped with whipped cream or a milk foam. The bittersweet flavors of coffee and chocolate create a delightful contrast, making it a popular choice for those with a sweet tooth. Mochas can also be customized with various types of chocolate, such as dark or white chocolate, and additional flavorings like caramel or hazelnut can be added.


Macchiato, meaning "stained" or "spotted" in Italian, is a minimalist espresso-based drink. It consists of an espresso shot with a small amount of steamed milk or milk foam. The milk adds a hint of creaminess to the strong espresso, resulting in a drink that is punchy yet slightly softened. There are two primary variations of the macchiato: espresso macchiato, which has a small dollop of foam on top of the espresso, and latte macchiato, where the milk is poured on top of the espresso, leaving it with a "stained" appearance.


Tea is a broad category that encompasses a wide range of leaves, flavors, and brewing methods. It is derived from the Camellia sinensis plant, and various processing techniques give rise to different types of tea, including black, green, oolong, and white teas. While tea may not be a coffee-based beverage like the aforementioned counterparts, it still holds a significant place among those looking for a warm, soothing drink with a different flavor profile. Many tea varieties also contain moderate amounts of caffeine, making them an alternative option for those wanting a more subtle energy boost compared to coffee and lattes.

In conclusion, understanding these various coffee and tea-based beverages allows individuals to explore new flavors and textures while remaining within the realm of their beloved caffeinated companions.

Choosing Coffee Beans for Lattes and Coffee

When it comes to selecting the ideal coffee beans for lattes and coffee, several factors play a crucial role in determining the taste and quality of your beverage. The two main types of coffee beans are Arabica and Robusta, each offering distinct flavor profiles. Let's explore the different roast levels, as well as some popular options for the best beans suited for both lattes and coffee.

Roast Levels

Roast levels greatly impact the flavor and aroma of your coffee. There are generally three main roast levels:

  1. Light Roast: These beans have a light brown color and are more acidic, with a bright and fruity flavor. They are best suited for drip coffee or pour-over methods.

  2. Medium Roast: Medium roasted beans have a medium brown color and showcase a balanced mix of acidity, body, and flavor. These beans work well for most brewing methods, including espresso machines and drip coffee makers.

  3. Dark Roast: Dark roasted coffee beans are characterized by their dark brown color, strong aroma, and bold flavors. They often have a smoky or bittersweet taste and create rich crema when used for espresso. These beans are a popular choice for lattes and other milk-based beverages.

Best Beans for Lattes and Coffee

When selecting the best beans for lattes and coffee, you may want to consider the following options:

  • Peet's Coffee Organic French Dark Roast: This dark roasted coffee bean offers a smoky, velvety flavor and is suitable for lattes, providing a bold taste that complements the milky texture of the beverage.

  • Koffee Kult Dark Roast Coffee Beans: Perfectly suited for both lattes and drip coffee, these beans deliver a smooth, full-bodied experience with notes of cocoa and caramel.

  • Cafe Don Pablo Colombian Supremo: These medium roasted Arabica beans have a slightly nutty flavor and work well for both lattes and regular brewed coffee, showcasing the versatility of the beans.

  • Verena Street 5-Pound Espresso Beans: This blend of medium and dark roasted beans creates a rich, complex flavor profile that pairs well with the creamy texture of lattes and the boldness of espresso.

When choosing between coffee powder and whole beans, it's essential to note that freshly ground coffee typically results in a more robust and flavorful beverage, while pre-ground coffee powder might lose some aroma and flavor over time. For a more vibrant, aromatic experience, consider grinding your beans at home.

The coffee beans you choose for your latte or regular coffee can significantly impact its taste and quality. By exploring different roast levels and bean options, you can discover the perfect combination for your personal preferences, ensuring a satisfying and enjoyable coffee experience.

A Guide for Coffee Lovers

Coffee lovers often find themselves in the midst of an age-old debate: latte versus coffee. This guide aims to assist you in exploring new flavors and techniques, and creating the perfect beverage at home.

Exploring New Flavors and Techniques

A latte is typically made from espresso, which is a much stronger coffee beverage than regular drip coffee. Often mixed with milk and sometimes a flavoring such as vanilla, caramel, or chocolate, the latte offers a creamy, smooth taste profile. Aesthetic appeal also comes into play with lattes, given the barista's skill at creating latte art. Espresso-based lattes typically contain around 75mg of caffeine.

On the other hand, traditional brewed coffee contains about 100-220mg of caffeine per 8-ounce serving, making it a stronger option in terms of both taste and caffeine content. Coffee drinkers might prefer black coffee or opt to add cream, sugar, or various other flavor enhancers to suit their taste buds.

The choice between a latte and coffee will depend on personal preferences, as well as a café latte's availability in a specific venue.

Creating the Perfect Beverage at Home

A great way for coffee enthusiasts to experiment with and create their favorite beverage at home is to invest in an espresso machine or a quality drip coffee maker.

For latte enthusiasts:

  • Use freshly ground coffee beans for your espresso
  • Steam and froth milk to the desired temperature and consistency
  • Pour the espresso into a cup, followed by the steamed milk
  • Practice latte art to add a touch of flair to your drinks

For traditional coffee drinkers:

  • Start with high-quality, freshly ground coffee beans
  • Brew the coffee at the ideal temperature (195-205°F/90-96°C) for optimal extraction
  • Experiment with unique flavors and brew methods, such as cold brew, French press or pour-over
  • Adjust brewing time and water-to-coffee ratio to achieve the desired strength and flavor profile

In summary, understanding the differences between lattes and regular coffee, experimenting with new flavors and techniques, and creating the perfect beverage at home can further enhance the coffee lover's appreciation for these popular beverages.

LatteLatte information
Tony Barlow

Tony Barlow

Majesty Coffee Technical Sales Expert - Meet the Team

Tony Barlow, with over a decade of experience in the coffee industry, is the go-to technical sales expert at Majesty Coffee. He's passionate about helping businesses find the right espresso equipment for their needs.

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