pour over coffee


Pour over coffee is becoming popular again in recent years, but is it actually bad for you? Our blog post uncovers the truth behind the health effects of pour over coffee and whether it's a safe and healthy choice for your daily cup of joe.

Is Pour Over Coffee Bad for You?

pour over coffee

Pour over coffee is in the spotlight in recent years due to its intricate flavor profiles and precise brewing methods. But is it harmful to your health? This section will explore the factors that could make pour over coffee a healthy or unhealthy choice by discussing health factors of coffee consumption, the effects of paper filters, and the relationship between oils and coffee taste.

Health Factors of Coffee Consumption

Coffee, in general, has both positive and negative health impacts. On one hand, it has been associated with reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes, liver cancer, gallstones, and Parkinson's disease, as well as improving mental focus and increasing antioxidant consumption. On the other hand, coffee can also cause increased anxiety, high blood pressure, insomnia, and can be habit-forming, leading to withdrawal symptoms.

However, the health effects largely depend on how the coffee is prepared and consumed. In the case of pour over coffee, moderation is key. Drinking coffee in moderate amounts can provide the health benefits without significantly increasing the risks.

Effects of Paper Filters

Pour over coffee is typically brewed using a paper filter, which plays a crucial role in determining the healthiness of the final product. Paper filters are responsible for filtering out potentially harmful substances such as oils, cafestol, kahweol, and excess caffeine. This makes pour over coffee a healthier option compared to unfiltered coffee methods such as French press or Turkish coffee, which may contain higher levels of these substances.

It's important to note that using unbleached paper filters is recommended to avoid introducing harmful chemicals during the brewing process. Bleached paper filters may contain trace amounts of bleach, which could negatively impact the health benefits of pour over coffee.

Oils and Coffee Taste

The taste of coffee is significantly impacted by its oil content, and pour over coffee is known for having a cleaner taste due to the reduced oil content. The paper filters used in pour over brewing effectively remove most of the oils, which can be both a positive and a negative factor for coffee enthusiasts.

While eliminating oils can result in a cleaner and more delicate flavor, some people prefer the richness and full-bodied taste of coffee brewed with a method that retains more oils, such as French press or espresso. However, considering the health benefits of reduced oil content, pour over coffee can be seen as a healthier option without sacrificing too much on flavor.

Pour Over Coffee Vs Other Brewing Methods

brewing methods

Pour over coffee is a popular brewing method due to its clean taste, accentuated flavors, and the high level of control it gives users over their coffee's flavor. In this section, we will compare pour over coffee to other brewing methods like drip coffee and French press to help you understand their differences and similarities.

Pour Over Vs Drip Coffee

Pour over and drip coffee both use a filter to separate the coffee grounds from the water. However, pour over coffee requires manual control over the water flow, while drip coffee relies on an automatic machine to distribute the water evenly over the coffee grounds. This hands-on approach with pour over allows for more control over the brewing process and consistent results.

When it comes to flavor, pour over coffee typically highlights the unique and intricate flavors of single origin coffees better than drip coffee. This is because the continuous saturation of coffee grounds with fresh water during the pour over process extracts the acidity, sweetness, and body/mouthfeel in a more balanced way.

Pour Over Vs French Press

Unlike pour over and drip coffee methods that use a paper or metal filter, French press utilizes an immersion brewing technique. In this method, coffee grounds are directly mixed with hot water and steeped for a few minutes before being separated by a metal mesh plunger.

This immersion process often leads to a fuller-bodied coffee with a heavier mouthfeel, as the oils and fine particles remain in the brewed coffee. In comparison, pour over coffee generally has a cleaner taste and lighter body as the paper filter captures the oils and fine particles. The choice between these two methods largely depends on personal taste preference and desired coffee characteristics.

In summary, pour over coffee offers users consistent and clean-tasting coffee with an emphasis on highlighting the unique characteristics of single origin beans. It stands out due to the high level of control it gives users in the brewing process, and its ability to produce a balanced cup with distinct flavors compared to other brewing methods such as drip coffee or French press.

The Pour Over Brewing Process

pour over coffee

The pour-over brewing process is a popular method for brewing coffee that allows for control over various factors, such as grind size, water temperature, and brewing technique. In this section, we will discuss how to choose the right coffee beans, grind them properly, and use the appropriate brewing technique to achieve a delicious cup of pour-over coffee.

Choosing the Right Coffee Beans

Selecting high-quality coffee beans is essential for a delicious cup of pour-over coffee. Look for freshly roasted beans from reputable sources, as they will have the optimal flavor and aroma. Experiment with different origins, varieties, and roast levels to find what appeals to your taste preferences. Remember that the pour-over method highlights the subtle flavors and nuances in the beans, so choose beans that exhibit characteristics you enjoy.

Grinding Coffee Properly

Having a consistent grind size is crucial for a balanced extraction during the pour-over brewing process. Investing in a quality burr grinder can help achieve a uniform particle size, which will ensure even extraction and a balanced flavor. For pour-over coffee, a medium to medium-fine grind is recommended. However, you may need to adjust the grind size based on your brewing equipment and personal taste preferences. Remember to grind your coffee beans just before brewing to preserve the freshness and aroma.

Grind Size

Brewing Method


Chemex, V60


Kalita Wave, Bee House

Brewing Technique

Follow these steps for an optimal pour-over brewing technique:

  1. Heat fresh water to around 200°F (93°C). If you don't have a thermometer, bring the water to a boil and let it stand for about 30 seconds before using.
  2. Meanwhile, place a filter in your pour-over brewing device and rinse it with hot water to remove any papery taste and to preheat the device.
  3. Measure out the desired amount of coffee grounds, usually around 25 grams for a 12-ounce cup of coffee.
  4. Add the coffee grounds to the filter and gently tap the device to level the grounds. Place your brewing device on a scale to easily track the water-to-coffee ratio.
  5. Start your timer and begin pouring water slowly over the coffee grounds, making sure to saturate them evenly. Use around twice the amount of water as coffee grounds for the initial pour (e.g., 50 grams of water for 25 grams of coffee grounds).
  6. Wait for 30-45 seconds to allow the coffee to "bloom" – a process where the grounds release trapped gases, resulting in a more consistent and flavorful extract.
  7. Continue pouring water in a circular motion, maintaining a steady rate until you reach the desired water-to-coffee ratio (usually 15-18 grams of water per gram of coffee).
  8. Allow the brewed coffee to drip completely before removing the filter and grounds.

With the right coffee beans, grind consistency, and brewing technique, you can achieve a delicious, well-balanced cup of pour-over coffee that showcases the unique flavors and aromas of the beans. Experiment with different parameters to find the perfect brew for your taste preferences.

Mastering Pour Over Coffee Equipment

pour over coffee

Pour over coffee can be a fantastic brewing method when done correctly, but using the right equipment is crucial. This section will detail the essential components for perfecting your pour over coffee routine, including coffee grinders, pour over devices, and filters.

Selecting a Coffee Grinder

A high-quality coffee grinder is key to achieving consistent extraction and a balanced flavor profile. The ideal grinder should have adjustable settings to control grind size, ensuring that the coffee grounds will be uniform and suitable for pour over brewing. Burr grinders are generally preferred over blade grinders, as they provide a more consistent grind and prevent the overheating of coffee beans.

Choosing a Pour Over Device

Various pour over devices exist, each with their distinct characteristics and brewing methods. Some of the most popular options include the Chemex, Melitta, and Kalita Wave. Achieving the desired taste calls for experimenting with these different devices to determine which best suits your preferences.

Chemex, known for its elegant design and clean taste, utilizes a thick paper filter that removes sediment, oils, and impurities. Melitta, recognizable by its cone-shaped dripper, boasts an easier learning curve and is convenient for single servings. The Kalita Wave features a flat-bottom design that allows for a more even extraction process, generating a well-rounded flavor.

Paper Filters Vs Metal Filters

Choosing a filter comes down to personal preference and the type of device you possess. Paper filters are most common in pour over brewing and offer superior filtration, capturing fine particles and oils that could otherwise tamper with the taste. However, they may absorb some of the coffee's natural oils, which can affect the final flavor.

Metal filters, on the other hand, allow more of the natural oils to pass through and result in a fuller-bodied brew. However, they are less effective at capturing fine particles, which might lead to increased sediment in your cup. Experimenting with both filter types can help you determine your preferred level of clarity and body in your pour over coffee.

In addition to these essential components, other necessary tools include a reliable digital scale, thermometer, timer, and a gooseneck kettle. Incorporating these instruments will ensure accurate water measurements, proper temperature control, and precise pouring of water to achieve the best possible pour over coffee experience.

The Art of Pour Over Coffee

pour over coffee

Pour over coffee is to brew coffee by pouring hot water over ground coffee in a filter, allowing the liquid to pass through the grounds and extract the coffee's flavors. This method promotes greater control over each brewing variable, resulting in a more consistent, flavorful cup.

Control and Consistency

One of the key advantages of pour-over coffee is the level of control it offers. By adjusting factors such as water temperature, flow rate, and grind size, a skilled barista can influence the coffee's taste and ensure a consistent, quality cup every time. This hands-on approach provides a greater connection to the brewing process and allows the drinker to adjust their technique for optimal extraction.

Water Temperature and Flow Rate

Water temperature is crucial in pour-over brewing. Typically, water should be heated to around 200°F to ensure effective extraction of coffee flavors. It's important to maintain this temperature throughout the brewing process, as coffee's taste will be affected by fluctuations.

Flow rate, or the speed at which water is poured over the grounds, is another essential factor. A slow, steady pour will grant more time for the water to interact with the coffee, resulting in a better extraction. This may require the use of specialized equipment, such as a gooseneck kettle, to ensure precision and control.

Blooming and Brew Time

Blooming is a key step in pour-over brewing. It involves pouring a small amount of hot water over freshly ground coffee, allowing it to soak and expand. This step releases trapped gases, like carbon dioxide, from the coffee and helps achieve a more consistent extraction.

The brew time, or the duration of the pouring process, should be tailored to the grind size and coffee type. In general, finer grinds require shorter brewing times, while a coarser grind necessitates a longer duration. Optimal brewing times will vary based on personal taste preferences and coffee bean characteristics.

In conclusion, the art of pour-over coffee is all about control and consistency. By mastering variables such as water temperature, flow rate, blooming, and brew time, one can achieve a truly exceptional cup of coffee.

Pros and Cons of Pour Over Coffee

pour over coffee

Benefits of Pour Over Brewing

When it comes to taste, many coffee drinkers find pour over coffee to be far superior to other methods. The pour over method allows for the extraction of unique and delicate flavors, providing an enhanced coffee experience.

One of the key benefits of pour over brewing is the control it offers. This method allows users to adjust extraction parameters such as temperature, water contact with coffee grounds, and stir frequency, enabling them to fine-tune their coffee to their personal preferences.

Another advantage of pour over coffee is that it is generally healthier than traditional brewing methods. Due to the use of a filter, pour over coffee contains less cafestol, a cholesterol-raising agent found in higher concentrations in standard brewed coffee. Additionally, pour over coffee tends to be less acidic and smoother, as the grounds are only saturated once and flavors are extracted by slowly dripping through the filter.

Challenges and Drawbacks

Despite its numerous benefits, pour over coffee does have some drawbacks. One of the main challenges faced by coffee drinkers using this method is the required patience and attention. Pour over brewing demands a level of precision and time investment, which may not be ideal for those who prefer a more convenient, fast-paced coffee-making process.

Moreover, waste can be a concern for eco-conscious consumers because pour over coffee requires the use of single-use paper filters. Reusable metal filters are available, but they may not provide the same flavor clarity as paper filters. This is something to consider when weighing the environmental impact of the pour over method.

Lastly, pour over coffee may not be the most affordable option for some coffee drinkers. Although the equipment required can be relatively inexpensive, the high-quality coffee beans and specific grind size required to achieve the best results can make pour over coffee a pricier choice in the long run.

Exploring Different Pour Over Coffee Devices

pour over coffee

Pour over coffee has become increasingly popular among coffee enthusiasts due to the precision and control it offers during the brewing process. In this section, we explore various pour over coffee devices, including the Hario V60, Kalita Wave, Chemex, and Melitta Pour Over, and their impact on the overall coffee experience.

Hario V60

The Hario V60 is a classic pour over coffee device known for its conical shape and distinct spiral ridges. It generally uses thinner paper filters that allow for a faster flow rate, which in turn can highlight the acidity and brightness of single origin coffees. Engineered with a large hole at the base, the device is designed to accommodate a wide variety of grind sizes and roast profiles.

Kalita Wave

The Kalita Wave is another popular pour over coffee method, featuring a flat-bottomed design with three small drainage holes that encourage a more even extraction than the V60. Its wavy filter design promotes better airflow during brewing, reducing the likelihood of human error affecting the final taste. The Kalita Wave is particularly suitable for those who prefer a well-balanced cup with a focus on sweetness and clarity in their specialty coffee.


The Chemex is an elegant and iconic pour over coffee maker, known for its hourglass shape and thick paper filters. These filters contribute to a slower brewing process that retains more of the coffee's oils, resulting in a richer and fuller body compared to the V60 and Kalita Wave. With its larger capacity, the Chemex is a great option for those looking to brew multiple cups of coffee at once without compromising taste.

Melitta Pour Over

The Melitta Pour Over is a straightforward and affordable pour over coffee device that offers consistent results through its conical shape and smaller drainage hole. Although not as versatile as the V60 or Kalita Wave, this brewing device is an excellent option for those who are new to manual brewing and wish to savor the distinct flavor notes found in single origin coffees.

In conclusion, each of these pour over coffee devices offers a unique approach to manual brewing that caters to different preferences and brewing skills. By understanding the nuances of each device, coffee lovers can make informed decisions and explore the vast world of pour over coffee with confidence.

Drip coffeeFilter coffee
Tony Barlow

Tony Barlow

Majesty Coffee Technical Sales Expert - Meet the Team

Tony Barlow, with over a decade of experience in the coffee industry, is the go-to technical sales expert at Majesty Coffee. He's passionate about helping businesses find the right espresso equipment for their needs.

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