iced signature latte

Are you a coffee lover who wants to know the key differences between two popular iced coffee drinks - iced signature latte and iced latte? In this post, we're uncovering the milk, espresso, and sweeteners used, the brewing methods, and the taste profiles of these two drinks. Get ready to discover which one will be your new go-to for a refreshing and indulgent coffee experience!

Iced Signature Latte Vs Iced Latte

Core Differences

An Iced Signature Latte is a special variant of an iced latte with additional flavors and toppings, making it a more unique and indulgent option. Examples include the Signature Caramel Craze Latte, which features caramel flavor, whipped cream, caramel drizzle, and cinnamon sugar topping. On the other hand, the Signature Cocoa Mocha Latte has a mocha flavor, whipped cream, mocha drizzle, and hot chocolate powder. These additional elements elevate the taste and texture of the drink, making it more personal and indulgent for the consumer.

In contrast, an Iced Latte is a simpler, more classic beverage made up of espresso and milk, usually served over ice with a smaller amount of sugar or other flavors. The ratio for an iced latte is typically 1 part espresso to 3 parts milk. It offers a more straightforward and refreshing taste for those who want to avoid the additional sweetness and complexity that comes with a signature latte.

While discussing the differences, it is essential to clarify the distinction between iced coffee and iced latte as well. Iced coffee is made using 90% cooled brewed coffee and just 10% milk or a milk alternative. It typically has a stronger taste compared to iced lattes.

Some of the key differences between iced coffee and iced latte are:

  • Iced coffee is made with hot coffee cooled and poured over ice.
  • Iced lattes are made with espresso, steamed milk, and simple syrup.
  • The temperature is lower for making iced coffee than for iced lattes.

Ultimately, the choice between an iced signature latte, and an iced latte depends on the preferences and tastes of the individual. If you're looking for a more flavorful and indulgent experience, an iced signature latte might be the perfect choice for you. However, an iced latte offers a simpler, lighter, and more refreshing option for those who prefer a cleaner, classic taste.

Ingredients And Preparation


When it comes to iced signature lattes and iced lattes, the base is espresso. Espresso is a rich and intense coffee variant, made by forcing hot water through finely-ground coffee beans. The choice of beans and roast level can significantly impact the flavor profile of the espresso, ultimately affecting the taste of the iced latte.


Milk is an essential component of both iced signature lattes and iced lattes, adding creaminess and a subtle flavor. The type of milk used can also alter the taste and texture of the drink. Whole milk is often preferred for its richness, but alternatives like skim, soy, almond, or oat milk can be used for those with dietary restrictions or preferences. In some cases, milk is frothed to create a light, airy texture that enhances the latte. Techniques for frothing include shaking the milk in a covered jar or whisking until frothy.

Sweeteners And Syrups

There can be differences in the flavors and sweeteners used in iced signature lattes versus iced lattes. Iced signature lattes typically include additional flavors, such as caramel, mocha, or vanilla, while iced lattes may simply rely on the natural flavors of espresso and milk. Both drinks can be sweetened with sugar or a variety of sweeteners like maple syrup, honey, agave nectar, or artificial sweeteners.

In iced signature latte recipes, flavored syrups are often added to the mix to create unique and exciting taste experiences. For example, Dunkin's Signature Caramel Craze Latte includes caramel flavor, whipped cream, a caramel drizzle, and cinnamon sugar topping, while their Signature Cocoa Mocha Latte features mocha flavor, whipped cream, a mocha drizzle, and hot chocolate powder.

Overall, the ingredients and preparation of an iced signature latte and an iced latte involve the careful combination of espresso, milk, sweeteners, and sometimes flavored syrups to achieve a refreshing and delicious beverage. The quality and flavor of the espresso play a pivotal role in distinguishing between the two drinks. For cafes and businesses aiming to serve the finest lattes, investing in a top-notch commercial espresso machine is crucial. After all, the espresso is the heart of these beverages. If you're considering elevating your coffee offerings, take a moment to explore our curated collection of espresso machines for commercial use to find the perfect fit for your needs.

Popular Variations

Iced Americano

The Iced Americano is a refreshing variation of the classic iced coffee. It consists of espresso shots poured over ice and then diluted with cold water. This helps maintain the bold, robust flavor of espresso, and the ice-cold water adds freshness to the drink. Iced Americano is perfect for those who want a strong, caffeinated beverage without additional calories from milk or cream.

Iced Macchiato

Iced Macchiato is an indulgent blend of espresso, milk, and typically a flavored syrup or caramel drizzle. The critical distinction between an iced macchiato and a standard iced latte is in the layering process. The ingredients are layered in a specific order, with milk and ice on the bottom, followed by a shot of espresso and sweet drizzle on top. The result is a visually pleasing and subtly sweet beverage that can be fully mixed or sipped with distinct layers.

Iced Cappuccino

For those who enjoy the frothy milk characteristic of traditional cappuccinos, the Iced Cappuccino offers the perfect cold twist on this classic. It consists of espresso shots mixed with cold milk and topped with frothed milk or even whipped cream. This frothy, ice-cold beverage is the ideal choice for those who crave a creamy, refreshing coffee experience.

Iced Mocha

An Iced Mocha is a decadent twist on the standard iced latte. Combining espresso, frothy or cold milk, and rich chocolate syrup, this sweet treat is a popular choice among chocolate lovers. Often garnished with whipped cream or cocoa powder, the Iced Mocha provides a perfect balance of robust coffee flavor and velvety chocolate indulgence.

Caffeine Content And Nutritional Information

Calories And Macronutrients

Iced Signature Lattes and Iced Lattes have varying nutritional profiles due to factors such as the choice of milk, the type of coffee used, and any added syrups or flavors. Below are some general estimates for calories and macronutrients using whole milk and 2% fat milk as examples.

Whole Milk

  • Iced Signature Latte: A typical Iced Signature Latte made with whole milk for an 8-ounce serving contains approximately 120 calories, 6g fat, 4g saturated fat, 12g carbohydrates, 4g protein, and 100mg sodium.

  • Iced Latte: An 8-ounce Iced Latte made with whole milk contains approximately 100 calories, 5g fat, 3g saturated fat, 10g carbohydrates, 4g protein, and 85mg sodium.

2% Fat Milk

  • Iced Signature Latte: An 8-ounce Iced Signature Latte made with 2% fat milk contains approximately 100 calories, 3g fat, 2g saturated fat, 14g carbohydrates, 4g protein, and 95mg sodium.

  • Iced Latte: An 8-ounce Iced Latte made with 2% fat milk contains approximately 80 calories, 2.5g fat, 1.5g saturated fat, 11g carbohydrates, 4g protein, and 80mg sodium.

Note that these values can vary significantly based on the specific type of coffee, milk, and added flavors or syrups in each drink.

Caffeine Content Comparison

Caffeine content in Iced Signature Lattes and Iced Lattes can also vary greatly based on factors such as the variety of coffee used and the brewing methods. However, here are some general estimates:

  • Iced Signature Latte: Approximate caffeine content for an 8-ounce serving of Iced Signature Latte is around 130mg.

  • Iced Latte: An 8-ounce serving of Iced Latte typically contains around 130mg of caffeine as well.

It's important to note that these values are approximations and can change based on brewing procedures and analytical data.

In terms of vitamins and minerals, both Iced Signature Lattes and Iced Lattes provide varying amounts of Vitamin A, calcium, Vitamin D, and potassium, depending on the milk used. Whole milk generally contains higher levels of these nutrients compared to lower fat milk varieties.

Brewing Techniques And Coffee Makers

Espresso Machine

An iced latte typically starts with the use of an espresso machine. Espresso machines force hot water through finely ground coffee, resulting in a concentrated shot of espresso. The signature iced latte, on the other hand, may involve additional flavors, syrups, or ingredients that add unique taste profiles. Both drinks use espresso as the base, showcasing the importance of a high-quality espresso machine when creating a perfect iced latte or an iced signature latte.

French Press

Though iced lattes primarily rely on espresso, alternative brewing techniques like the French press can also be used in a pinch. The French press involves steeping coffee grounds in hot water for several minutes before using a plunger to separate the grounds from the liquid. This method results in a more full-bodied and concentrated coffee that can be suitable for creating iced drinks if espresso is unavailable. However, the taste may differ from a traditional iced latte or iced signature latte made with espresso.

Drip Coffee Maker

Drip coffee makers are more commonly associated with iced coffee rather than iced lattes. This brewing method essentially pours hot water over coffee grounds, which then drips through a filter and into a pot. While iced lattes and signature iced lattes primarily use espresso, a drip coffee maker can still produce a similarly strong and bold flavor. If opting for this method, it is essential to choose high-quality coffee beans and a consistent grind to achieve the desired taste.


Another alternative brewing technique for creating an iced latte or iced signature latte is the AeroPress. This method involves manually pressing hot water through finely-ground coffee in a specialized container. The result is a concentrated coffee similar to espresso. To make an iced latte or signature iced latte with an AeroPress, simply add the concentrate over ice, then mix with milk or other desired ingredients. Although not as traditional as an espresso machine, the AeroPress can produce a delicious, robust coffee base for either drink.

Brewing Technique Key Characteristics Ideal for
Espresso Machine Concentrated shot, rich crema Traditional iced latte & iced signature latte
French Press Full-bodied flavor, immersion brewing method Alternative iced latte when espresso is unavailable
Drip Coffee Maker Filtered brew, customizable strength Iced coffee & an alternative for iced latte
AeroPress Manual press, concentrated coffee similar to espresso Alternative iced latte & iced signature latte

Coffee Beans And Brewing Methods

When it comes to iced signature lattes and iced lattes, the coffee beans and brewing methods play a major role in creating the perfect beverage. In this section, we'll explore three popular brewing methods: Cold Brew Coffee, Chemex, and Hario V60.

Cold Brew Coffee

Cold brew coffee is an excellent choice for iced signature lattes and iced lattes due to its smooth, low-acidity flavor profile. To make cold brew, coarse ground coffee beans are steeped in cold water for an extended period, typically 12 to 24 hours. This process extracts the flavors more slowly, resulting in a less acidic and smoother taste. Cold brew is perfect for both types of iced lattes, especially when considering the addition of milk, as the mild flavor complements the creaminess.


The Chemex brewing method is another option for creating the base of iced signature lattes and iced lattes. This pour-over method uses a specially designed glass carafe with a conical paper filter that allows for precise control over the brewing process. By controlling factors such as water temperature, coffee-to-water ratio, and pour speed, you can achieve a clean, bright coffee flavor. Chemex-brewed coffee can be chilled quickly and then used to create your iced lattes, offering a crisp and refreshing taste.

Hario V60

Similar to the Chemex, the Hario V60 is a pour-over brewing system that provides a great foundation for iced signature lattes and iced lattes. The V60's distinctive cone shape and spiral ribs work together to enable consistent extraction and a clean, nuanced flavor. This manual brewing method involves careful attention to water temperature, grind size, and pouring technique. Once the Hario V60 brewed coffee is cooled, it can be combined with milk and other ingredients to create a well-rounded, satisfying iced latte.

When selecting coffee beans for your iced signature latte or iced latte, it's essential to choose high-quality beans that enhance the flavor profile of your chosen brewing method. Experimenting with different beans and brewing techniques can result in a unique and delightful iced latte experience, catering to a wide range of preferences.

Customization And Presentation

Coffee Syrups And Toppings

Iced signature lattes and iced lattes can be customized with various coffee syrups and toppings to enhance the flavor and presentation. Popular coffee syrups include vanilla, caramel, and hazelnut, while some coffee chains like Starbucks and Dunkin' offer exclusive flavors for a personal touch. For example, Dunkin's Signature Caramel Craze Latte features caramel flavor, whipped cream, a caramel drizzle, and cinnamon sugar topping. Toppings like whipped cream, mocha drizzle, and hot chocolate powder can create a visually appealing and indulgent treat. For added texture, crunchy toppings such as nuts or cookie crumbs can also be added.

Alternative Milks And Sweeteners

With the growing demand for dairy alternatives, both iced signature lattes and iced lattes offer a variety of milk options, such as almond, soy, oat, and coconut milk. These alternatives not only cater to dietary needs and preferences but also contribute distinct flavors and textures to your drinks. To adjust the sweetness of your iced latte or iced signature latte, sugar alternatives like agave nectar, honey, stevia, or sugar-free syrups can be used. Liquid sweeteners mix well with the cold beverage without leaving any undissolved residuals.

Coffee Ice Cubes

An innovative way to enhance your iced signature latte or iced latte experience is to incorporate coffee ice cubes. Instead of using regular ice cubes that may dilute the coffee flavor as they melt, coffee ice cubes are made by freezing brewed coffee or espresso. This maintains the intensity of your drink while keeping it chilled. Some cafes and coffee shops offer this option, while others allow you to add this unique touch at home.

Comparison Of Other Coffee Drinks

Cappuccino Vs Iced Cappuccino

A cappuccino is a popular coffee drink made from a combination of espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam. It usually consists of equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and foam, creating a rich and creamy texture. On the other hand, an iced cappuccino is the cold variation of traditional cappuccino. It features the same ingredients, but with ice added to chill the drink.

To make an iced cappuccino, a shot of espresso is poured over ice and then cold milk is added instead of steamed milk. Some baristas may still add milk foam on top, while others might replace it with whipped cream for a more indulgent touch. In terms of flavor, both drinks have the same bold espresso taste but the iced version is more refreshing, making it a popular choice in warmer weather.

Mochas Vs Iced Mocha

A mocha is another popular coffee drink that combines espresso with chocolate syrup and steamed milk. It's typically topped with whipped cream and a drizzle of chocolate sauce. An iced mocha, as the name suggests, is the chilled version of the mocha.

To make an iced mocha, espresso and chocolate syrup are mixed over ice and then cold milk is added to the mixture. It's common to top this drink with whipped cream and a drizzle of chocolate sauce as well. Both mochas and iced mochas offer a sweet and indulgent taste, with the chocolate flavors complementing the strong espresso notes.

Similar to the iced latte, which combines espresso with cold milk over ice, both iced cappuccino and iced mocha are refreshing coffee alternatives for hotter seasons. However, iced cappuccino leans towards a lighter and foamier experience, while iced mocha indulges in chocolaty richness.

So, when comparing iced signature lattes to other cold coffee drinks, it's essential to consider your personal preference in flavors and textures. Whether you enjoy the refreshing, creamy taste of an iced latte or cappuccino, or the sweet indulgence of an iced mocha, there's a chilled coffee beverage to suit every palate.

Health Considerations And Alternatives

When comparing iced signature lattes to iced lattes, some factors to consider include the caffeine content, calorie count, and potential health benefits. It's important to understand how these drinks differ in order to make an informed decision that aligns with your health goals.

In terms of caffeine content, iced lattes typically contain espresso shots, while iced coffee generally consists of brewed coffee. Espresso has about 75 mg of caffeine, whereas brewed coffee contains around 95 mg. However, the number of espresso shots in an iced latte can vary, so one beverage may not always be stronger than the other.

Calorie-wise, iced lattes tend to have more due to the milk content. A regular iced coffee has minimal, if any, milk and therefore significantly fewer calories. Nevertheless, the caloric difference between the two mostly depends on the amount and type of milk used.

As for health, iced coffee has been associated with numerous benefits, such as protection against type 2 diabetes, boosting metabolism, reducing the risk of some cancers, and even preventing certain neurological disorders. However, moderation is key, and excessive caffeine intake may lead to adverse health effects.

Now, for those looking to make healthier choices or alternatives with cold coffee drinks, consider the following options:

  • Opting for black coffee or an iced Americano will typically result in lower calorie intake due to the absence of milk.
  • Using lower-fat milk or plant-based milk alternatives in iced lattes can reduce calorie content without compromising taste.
  • Limiting the use of sweeteners or opting for natural alternatives like honey or stevia can help maintain healthy sugar levels.

In conclusion, when making a decision between an iced signature latte and an iced latte, take into account the caffeine content, calorie count, and potential health benefits. Making adjustments to ingredients or choosing alternatives can help you find the right balance to suit your personal preferences and health goals

Latte information
Tony Barlow

Tony Barlow

Majesty Coffee Technical Sales Expert - Meet the Team

Tony Barlow, with over a decade of experience in the coffee industry, is the go-to technical sales expert at Majesty Coffee. He's passionate about helping businesses find the right espresso equipment for their needs.

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