coffee grinder

Want to take your pour over coffee to the next level? In this post, we'll provide an in-depth guide and tips on how to grind coffee for pour over, so you can achieve a rich and flavorful cup of coffee every time.

Why Grinding Coffee for Pour Over Matters

coffee grinder vintage

Grinding coffee for pour-over brewing is an essential step to ensure that you get the most desirable flavors and nuances from your coffee beans. Understanding the impact of grind size on the extraction process, and how it affects the brew time, is vital for making a delicious cup of pour-over coffee.

The Role of Grind Size in Flavor Extraction

The grind size plays a significant role in extracting flavors from your coffee beans. It directly influences the surface area that comes into contact with water during the brewing process. A larger surface area results from a finer grind, making the coffee beans more soluble in the water.

However, grinding coffee too fine for a pour-over brewing method can lead to over-extraction, which causes your coffee to taste bitter and hollow. Conversely, if your coffee is ground too coarse, the water will move through the beans too quickly, under-extracting the potential flavors and leaving you with a weak, sour cup of coffee. Hence, finding the right grind size for pour-over brewing is crucial to achieving a balanced extraction and the desired flavor profile.

Impact on Brew Time

Brew time is another factor to consider when grinding coffee for pour over. Pour-over coffee, as opposed to immersion methods like the French press, requires a continuous saturation of the coffee grounds with fresh water throughout the brewing process. This method promotes a faster, more efficient extraction of flavors, making it necessary to control the grind size accordingly.

A finer grind will slow down the water flow, prolonging the brewing time and increasing the risk of over-extraction. On the other hand, a coarser grind will speed up the water flow, potentially under-extracting the coffee and leaving you with a sub-optimal flavor. Consequently, it's essential to strike a balance between grind size, water temperature, and brew time to achieve the best-tasting pour-over coffee.

When grinding coffee for pour-over brewing, it's crucial to consider the relationship between grind size, flavor extraction, and brew time. Striving for the ideal balance of these factors will help you achieve a satisfying, flavorful cup of coffee with the nuanced characteristics that make pour-over brewing so popular among coffee enthusiasts.

Finding the Perfect Grind Size

grind coffee variety

Finding the perfect grind size for pour-over coffee can significantly impact the taste and quality of your brew. It is important to understand the difference between coarse and fine grinds, as well as the ideal grind size for pour-over coffee.

Coarse Grind versus Fine Grind

A coarse grind has larger coffee particles, often resembling sea salt or coarse sand in texture. This type of grind allows water to flow through the coffee grounds quickly, which can result in a lighter-bodied and more acidic coffee. On the other hand, a fine grind consists of smaller coffee particles with a texture similar to table salt or even flour. Fine grinds can slow down water flow and lengthen extraction time, resulting in a stronger, more full-bodied coffee flavor.

Factors such as the brewing method, taste preferences, and coffee bean type can influence whether you choose a coarse or fine grind for your coffee. However, for pour-over brewing, a specific grind size is recommended to achieve the best results.

The Ideal Grind Size for Pour Over

For pour-over coffee, a medium to medium-fine grind size is generally recommended. This type of grind allows for a controlled, yet steady water flow through the grounds, optimizing flavor extraction, and balancing acidity and bitterness levels. When comparing textures, the ideal pour-over grind should be finer than coarse sea salt and slightly more coarse than table salt.

Here is a list to better illustrate the ideal grind sizes for different brewing techniques:

  • Coarse grind: French press, percolator
  • Medium grind: Drip coffee maker, siphon
  • Medium-fine grind: Pour-over, Aeropress (with longer brew times)
  • Fine grind: Espresso, Aeropress (with shorter brew times)
  • Extra-fine grind: Turkish coffee

It's essential to use a high-quality burr grinder to achieve a consistent grind size. Blade grinders can result in a less uniform grind, negatively impacting the overall flavor of your pour-over coffee. By understanding the relationship between grind size and coffee brewing techniques, you can better tailor your coffee grounds to deliver the best possible pour-over experience.

Grinding Techniques and Tools

grind coffee variety

Pour over coffee requires a specific grind size and consistency to achieve the best extraction and flavor. This section provides information on grinding techniques and tools, focusing on burr grinders and the differences between manual and electric grinders.

Using a Burr Grinder

Burr grinders are the preferred choice for grinding coffee beans for pour over brewing. These grinders consist of two wheels or conical grinding elements that crush the coffee beans without causing frictional heat, which could affect the beans negatively. Burr grinders provide a consistent grind size and even particle distribution, resulting in better extraction during the brewing process.

To achieve the best grind for pour over coffee, aim for a medium grind size. This will allow the water to pass through the coffee grounds at the right pace, extracting optimal flavor. According to Kruve's study, grind size can be measured in microns, and a visual comparison can be made by laying out grounds and using a ruler's millimeter side. However, it can be a messy process, and precision may not be necessary for home brewing.

Manual versus Electric Grinders

Both manual and electric burr grinders can produce quality grounds for pour over coffee. The decision between the two types of grinders depends on personal preference, budget, and convenience.

Manual grinders, also known as hand grinders, are generally more affordable and portable options. They offer the control to grind coffee beans at the desired consistency, but they require more time and effort. Manual grinders typically have a conical burr design, providing even particle sizes necessary for pour over coffee.

Electric grinders, on the other hand, are more expensive but offer greater convenience and speed. Many models allow you to set the desired grind size, and the machine will produce a consistent grind at the push of a button. Electric grinders are available with either flat or conical burr designs.

When choosing between manual and electric burr grinders, take into consideration factors such as budget, convenience, and personal taste. Both options can provide the ideal coffee ground consistency and size for pour over brewing, ensuring a delicious cup of coffee.

The Pour Over Process


Pour over brewing is a delicate and precise method of making coffee that emphasizes the extraction of nuanced flavors from the coffee grounds. The process is centered around manual control over all aspects of the procedure, ultimately resulting in a perfectly balanced cup of coffee. The essentials in this method include the right coffee maker, kettle, filter, and grind size.

Choosing the Right Coffee Maker

To begin with, selecting the appropriate coffee maker is crucial for a successful pour over experience. The market offers several options, such as the Kalita Wave and the Hario V60, both of which have a unique design that aids in even extraction of coffee. The critical factor in choosing the suitable coffee maker lies in its ability to maintain a consistent water flow rate and ensuring that the coffee grounds are fully saturated.

Step-by-Step Brewing Guide

Now that you have chosen the right coffee maker, the following guide will walk you through the pour over process:

  1. First, prepare your equipment – a coffee maker, gooseneck kettle, paper or reusable filter, measuring scale, timer, and a carafe or mug.
  2. Start by heating a sufficient amount of water (preferably between 195-205°F). A Gooseneck kettle is ideal for this step as it allows precise pouring and better control of the water flow.
  3. While the water is heating, grind 21 grams of coffee beans to a medium-fine consistency, similar to regular sand. This particular grind size is crucial for pour over brewing as it allows water to flow steadily without passing through the grounds too quickly or causing over-extraction.
  4. Place the filter in your coffee maker and rinse it with hot water. This step eliminates any papery taste from the filter and preheats your mug or carafe. Afterward, discard the rinsing water.
  5. Transfer the freshly ground coffee into the filter and even out the bed of grounds. Place your coffee maker on top of your mug or carafe, and set the entire setup on a scale. Tare the scale to zero before you begin pouring.
  6. Begin the brewing process by gently pouring water over the coffee grounds, making sure all the grounds are wet in a process called "blooming." This step allows the coffee to release trapped gases and helps in even extraction.
  7. After about 30 seconds, continue pouring water over the coffee in a slow, steady stream, ideally maintaining a constant flow rate. The total pour time should take approximately 3.5 minutes.
  8. Once the timer indicates the completion of the brewing process, remove the coffee maker, and enjoy your freshly brewed pour over coffee.

Mastering the pour over technique may take some practice, but with the right equipment and proper technique, this method can unlock an array of flavors in your coffee, making it a favorite choice among coffee enthusiasts.

Measuring and Ratios

pour over coffee technique

When making pour-over coffee, getting the grind size, coffee-to-water ratio, and measuring method right is crucial for bringing out the best flavor. This section will discuss using a digital scale and coffee-to-water ratios as key factors for measuring and ensuring the perfect pour-over brew.

Using a Digital Scale

A digital scale is an essential piece of coffee gear for precise and consistent measurements. A kitchen scale or coffee scale can help you measure the exact amount of coffee beans and water required for your brew. This eliminates any guesswork, ensuring that you yield optimal flavor for each batch of pour-over coffee.

Scales are particularly helpful for manual coffee brewing techniques, such as pour-over, as they allow for more accurate measurements, ultimately impacting the final taste. Utilizing a digital scale can help improve the extraction of natural sugars, eliminate astringent flavors, and create better overall brews, especially when using dark roasts.

Coffee-to-Water Ratios

Getting the coffee-to-water ratio right is crucial in achieving a balanced pour-over coffee flavor. A common recommendation is a 1:16 coffee-to-water ratio, which means using 1 part coffee to 16 parts water. For instance, if you have 25g of coffee, you would multiply it by 16 – resulting in 400g of water to use for your brew.

However, the ideal coffee-to-water ratio can vary depending on individual taste preferences, and may lie anywhere between a 15:1 to 17:1 ratio. To find the perfect ratio for your palate, you may need to experiment with different coffee and water measurements.

Here's a brief guide to achieving different brew strengths:

  • Weak: Use a 1:17 ratio
  • Medium: Use a 1:16 ratio
  • Strong: Use a 1:15 ratio

Using a medium grind and adjusting the coffee-to-water ratio to suit your taste preferences will help you achieve the perfect pour-over brew. By combining the precise measurements of a digital scale with the correct coffee-to-water ratio, you can consistently create delicious, balanced pour-over coffee every time.

Troubleshooting and Adjustments

paper filter for coffee

Over-Extraction versus Under-Extraction

Grinding coffee for pour over brewing requires attention to detail and proper adjustments to extract all of the desirable flavors without over or under-extraction. Over-extraction happens when too many dissolved solids, making the coffee taste bitter, are released from the ground coffee. On the other hand, under-extraction occurs when too few dissolved solids are released, resulting in acidic or sour flavors.

Understanding the grind size for pour over coffee is key in controlling the extraction process. A medium-coarse grind, resembling sea salt, is generally recommended for pour over brewing. If the coffee tastes over-extracted, one should consider grinding the coffee more coarsely, whereas if the coffee is under-extracted, a finer grind should be attempted.

Tweaking Recipes for Personal Taste

Once a proper grind size is established for pour over brewing, it's important to tweak the recipe to suit personal taste preferences. This can be done by adjusting variables such as water temperature, brewing time, and coffee-to-water ratio.

Melitta pour over brewing, for instance, typically calls for a 1:16 coffee-to-water ratio. However, individual taste preferences may require slight adjustments to this ratio. Increasing the coffee volume will result in a stronger, more robust flavor, while decreasing the coffee volume will create a milder taste.

Similarly, water temperature can impact extraction and flavor. Generally, pour over brewing should use water heated to around 195-205°F (90-96°C). If the coffee tastes too weak or lacks complexity, consider raising the water temperature slightly. Conversely, if the coffee is too bitter or harsh, lower the water temperature a few degrees.

Brewing time is another essential factor that can be adjusted for personal taste. Pour over brewing should take anywhere from 3 to 5 minutes, depending on the desired strength and extraction level. A longer brewing time will lead to greater extraction, while a shorter brewing time will result in less extraction. To tweak the recipe for personal taste, adjust the brewing time incrementally and observe how the changes impact the flavors of the coffee.

Exploring Other Brewing Methods

brewing methods

While pour-over coffee is a popular and enjoyable method of coffee-making, it's not the only one. By exploring alternative brewing methods, you can find the perfect cup to suit your preferences. In this section, we will examine French Press, Espresso, and Moka Pot brewing methods.

French Press

The French Press, also known as a press pot or plunger pot, is a simple and widely-used method of coffee brewing. It requires a coarse grind, similar to that of sea salt, to provide the ideal balance of extraction throughout the brewing process.

Agitation plays a crucial role in the French Press brewing method. After adding coffee grounds to hot water, a gentle stir helps to ensure even extraction. To get the best results, let the coffee steep for around four minutes before plunging and serving.

Compared to pour-over coffee, French Press brewing typically results in a richer, bolder flavor, thanks to the increased contact between coffee grounds and water.


Using pressure to extract flavor from finely ground coffee beans, espresso is a concentrated coffee brewing technique.

The grind size for espresso should be similar to a fine grain of sugar in order to provide the necessary resistance when water is forced through the coffee grounds.

A well-made espresso is known for its unique balance of acidity, sweetness, and bitterness, as well as its rich crema. While espresso machines can be expensive and complex, mastering this brewing method creates a basis for many popular coffee beverages such as cappuccinos, lattes, and mochas.

Espresso differs significantly from pour-over and French Press methods, in that it is a much more concentrated and intense coffee experience. This method is ideal for those who enjoy a strong and robust flavor.

Moka Pot

The Moka Pot, originating from Italy, is a stovetop brewing method that sits between espresso and pour-over coffee in terms of intensity and concentration. Its unique design uses steam pressure to force water through coffee grounds, creating a rich and robust brew.

For Moka Pot brewing, a medium-fine grind size is ideal, as it allows for steady extraction without over-extraction or clogging the brewer. As with other methods, it is essential to experiment with the coffee-to-water ratio and brewing time to find the perfect cup.

While not as concentrated as an espresso, the Moka Pot creates a bolder and richer taste compared to pour-over or French Press methods. Its ease of use and affordability make it an appealing choice for those seeking an alternative brewing method.

In conclusion, there are various brewing methods, and each has its distinct characteristics, such as grind size, brewing time, and resulting flavor profile. Experimenting with these methods, including French Press, Espresso, and Moka Pot, can help you discover new and enjoyable ways to enjoy your coffee.


pour over coffee bitter

In conclusion, grinding coffee for pour over brewing requires attention to detail, as the grind size significantly impacts the flavor and quality of the final product. For optimum results, the coffee beans should be ground to a coarseness resembling sand.

Understanding the extraction process is crucial for achieving the best-tasting pour over coffee. Coarser grinds require a longer brewing time, while finer grinds need a shorter brewing time. Striking the right balance between grind size and brewing time ensures proper extraction of flavors and reduces the risk of under or over-extraction.

Just as important as grind size is the blooming phase of the pour-over brewing process. Wetting all coffee grounds evenly allows for the release of carbon dioxide and helps avoid channeling. This, in turn, guarantees a consistently extracted brew with enhanced flavor.

To summarize, mastering the art of grinding coffee for pour over involves understanding the principles of extraction, finding the ideal grind size, and honing your pouring technique. Practice and experimentation will ultimately lead to a better understanding of your preferences and an overall improvement in your pour-over coffee brewing experience.

Drip coffeeFilter coffeePour over coffee
Tony Barlow

Tony Barlow

Majesty Coffee Technical Sales Expert - Meet the Team

Tony Barlow, with over a decade of experience in the coffee industry, is the go-to technical sales expert at Majesty Coffee. He's passionate about helping businesses find the right espresso equipment for their needs.

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