Blonde latte

Hey there coffee lovers! Are you ready to explore the world of lattes with us? In this post, we'll be comparing two delicious options: the blonde latte and the regular latte. We'll chat about the flavors, strength, and overall experience of each, so you can pick the perfect one to satisfy your caffeine cravings. So, grab a cozy spot and let's dive into the ultimate latte showdown together!

Blonde Latte Vs Regular Latte: Understanding The Basics

Blonde Latte: A Lighter Roast

A blonde latte stands out from a traditional latte by its lighter roast profile. The primary reason for this difference is the type of espresso used. Blonde lattes are made using blonde espresso, which contains 85 mg of caffeine per ounce (29 ml) compared to the 75 mg found in traditional espresso. This higher caffeine content and the subtle sweetness of blonde espresso make blonde lattes a popular choice for many coffee drinkers.

Blonde espresso is characterized by its less intense flavor, offering a more pleasant taste for some. The light roast coffee beans give blonde espresso its unique flavor profile, with smooth, subtly sweet notes and citrus hints. As a result, blonde lattes provide a milder, brighter taste compared to regular lattes.

Regular Latte: A Darker Roast

On the other hand, a regular latte features a darker roast espresso. This traditional espresso imparts rich, caramel sweetness with hints of chocolate and nutty undertones. The darker roast in a regular latte results in a bolder, more robust taste, making it a classic choice for those who prefer a stronger coffee experience.

An example of a popular variation of the regular latte is the mocha latte, which contains chocolate sauce, whipped cream, and sometimes chocolate drizzle. Mocha lattes are known for their sweet, indulgent flavor profile that appeals to a wide range of coffee enthusiasts.

CKey Differences

Caffeine Content

When comparing a blonde latte with a regular latte, one of the key differences lies in their caffeine content. Generally, blonde roast coffee beans have a slightly higher caffeine content compared to darker roasts. This is because lighter roasting preserves more caffeine in the beans. As a result, a blonde latte, which uses blonde espresso, typically contains incrementally more caffeine than a regular latte that utilizes a darker roast espresso.

Taste Profile

The taste profiles of blonde and regular lattes also differ notably. Blonde espresso is roasted lighter, resulting in a smoother and subtler flavor. You'll often find hints of citrus in a blonde roast, with an overall sweeter and less bitter profile. On the other hand, the regular latte uses a darker roast espresso, which is characterized by its robust, rich flavor. This traditional espresso imparts notes of caramel, chocolate, and nuts, resulting in a stronger and more intense taste in the latte.


As the names suggest, the color of these drinks also varies. A blonde latte appears lighter and more golden in color, reflecting the lighter roast of the blonde espresso. In contrast, a regular latte has a darker hue due to the use of darker roasted espresso, often resulting in a richer brown shade.

In summary, the key differences between a blonde and regular latte can be observed in terms of their caffeine content, taste profile, and color. A blonde latte offers a higher caffeine content, lighter color, and smoother taste profile with citrus notes, while a regular latte is crafted with a darker roast espresso, resulting in a stronger flavor, darker appearance, and slightly lower caffeine content.

Ingredients And Flavors

When comparing a blonde latte to a regular latte, it's important to understand the differences in ingredients and flavors, as these aspects play a significant role in the overall experience of enjoying the beverage. This section delves into the primary components of each drink, with subsections examining the type of milk and additional flavorings typically used.

Type Of Milk

In both blonde and regular lattes, the main ingredient besides coffee is milk. Generally, whole milk is used to create a rich, velvety texture, but alternative options such as low-fat, non-fat, almond, soy, oat, or coconut milk can be offered as well. The choice of milk can impact the overall taste, with each option offering a unique flavor profile and mouthfeel.

Additional Flavorings

Now, let's examine the additional flavorings that can be incorporated into each type of latte. While traditional lattes can be enjoyed with no added flavor, it's common to find variations like vanilla, caramel, and other syrups to enhance or customize the taste.

  • Blonde Latte: This type of latte uses a lighter roast espresso, made from Latin American and East African coffee beans. The blonde espresso provides a smooth, balanced sweetness, with hints of citrus notes in the flavor. It often pairs well with vanilla syrup, creating a popular option called the Blonde Vanilla Latte. This combination accentuates the natural sweetness of the blonde espresso, while also lending a smooth, creamy mouthfeel to the drink.

  • Regular Latte: In contrast, the regular latte uses a darker roast espresso, offering a bolder, more intense flavor. The darker roast has stronger coffee notes and muted sweetness, which can be enhanced with the addition of flavored syrups, such as caramel or vanilla. These flavors complement the robust profile of the regular espresso, creating a more complex and layered beverage.

In conclusion, the primary differences in ingredients and flavors between a blonde latte and a regular latte can be attributed to the lighter roast espresso and the choice of milk and flavorings. While the blonde latte offers a smoother, sweeter taste, the regular latte provides a stronger, darker flavor. The addition of syrups like vanilla and caramel can further elevate and personalize each drink to suit individual preferences. For those who are enthusiasts of these delicious beverages, owning the right equipment can make all the difference. If you're considering upgrading your coffee game, check out the Espresso machines for commercial use. Whether you're looking to serve a bustling cafe or just want to have professional-grade coffee at home, investing in a commercial quality espresso machine can elevate the entire experience.

Preparation Methods And Techniques

Espresso Shots

In the process of preparing a latte, whether it's a blonde latte or a regular latte, the first step is to make the espresso. For a blonde latte, the espresso is made using lightly roasted beans which are roasted at low temperatures for shorter periods, resulting in a lighter, smoother taste. On the other hand, regular espresso is made using dark-roasted beans for a strong, intense flavor with a lasting finish.

It is essential to brew the espresso correctly by using either an espresso machine, a stovetop moka pot, or Nespresso machine. For a blonde espresso, Starbucks Blonde Espresso Roast is a popular choice; while for a regular latte, the Starbucks Espresso Roast is often used.

Steamed Milk

The type of milk used in a latte is also significant for creating the perfect taste and texture. Whole milk is preferred for milk-forward drinks like lattes, as it provides a rich, creamy froth. However, alternatives such as 3.25% homogenized milk can be used if whole milk is not available.

The steaming process involves heating and frothing the milk to create a silky texture. An appropriate temperature for steamed milk is around 150°F (65°C), as it ensures that the milk retains its sweetness and doesn't become overly heated. The milk can be steamed using a steam wand on an espresso machine, an electric milk frother, or a manual frother.


Foam is an essential component of a latte and adds to the overall experience. The frothing process incorporates air into the milk, creating a velvety foam that sits atop the espresso. Depending on the method used, the milk can be frothed either before or after steaming.

When using a steam wand, the milk is frothed while it's being heated, resulting in a smooth integration of foam and steamed milk. With an electric or manual frother, the milk is typically frothed first and then heated to create the desired foam.

Maintaining the proper foam thickness is crucial for both blonde and regular lattes, as it creates a balanced flavor and texture in the final cup. A well-prepared latte should have a layer of creamy, dense foam approximately 1/4 inch (0.6 cm) thick.

Popular Variations Of Lattes

In this section, we will discuss the popular variations of lattes that include Blonde Vanilla Latte, Flat White, Cappuccino, and Mocha.

Blonde Vanilla Latte

A Blonde Vanilla Latte is a unique spin on the traditional latte. It is made with a lighter-roast blonde espresso, derived from Latin American and East African coffee beans. This espresso contributes to a sweet and creamy taste compared to the darker, richer flavors of a regular espresso. A Blonde Vanilla Latte provides a smooth mouthfeel and generally has a higher caffeine content, with 85 mg per ounce of blonde espresso as opposed to 75 mg per ounce in traditional espresso.

Flat White

The Flat White is an espresso-based drink popular in Australia and New Zealand, featuring a rich, velvety texture. It is made by combining a double shot of espresso with steamed milk to create a microfoam (creamy, silky froth) on top. The key difference between a Flat White and a regular latte lies in the milk-to-espresso ratio, with the Flat White having a higher proportion of espresso, resulting in a stronger coffee flavor.


The Cappuccino is another popular variation of a latte, characterized by its equal parts of espresso, steamed milk, and frothy milk foam. This gives the drink a more robust coffee flavor compared to the traditional latte, while still maintaining a creamy texture. The milk foam on top makes it visually distinct and gives it an airy, light quality. Cappuccinos often include a dusting of cocoa powder, cinnamon, or nutmeg on top for added flavor and visual appeal.


Mocha lattes are a delicious blend of chocolate, espresso, and steamed milk. This popular variation often includes whipped cream on top and may feature a drizzle of chocolate sauce for added sweetness and presentation. Some mochas are even made with melted chocolate instead of chocolate syrup, further enhancing the richness of the drink. Although mochas are typically higher in calories, around 400 per serving, they provide a delightful combination of coffee and dessert in one cup.

These popular variations of lattes all offer unique flavors and textures, catering to a wide range of coffee preferences. From the sweet and smooth Blonde Vanilla Latte to the rich and indulgent Mocha, there is a latte for every taste.

Starbucks And The Blonde Latte

Blonde Espresso Introduction

Blonde espresso, introduced by Starbucks in the US and the Pacific region, is a lighter roast made from a blend of Latin American and East African coffee beans. This unique blend delivers a sweet flavor profile and a smooth, creamy mouthfeel, making it an ideal choice for those who prefer their coffee to be less intense compared to the regular, darker-roasted espresso. The lighter body and smooth taste of blonde espresso creates an enjoyable and easy-drinking coffee experience.

Menu Offerings

Among the menu offerings featuring blonde espresso, the Starbucks Blonde Caffè Latte stands out as a popular choice. With 190 calories, this latte is available in multiple size options, ranging from Short (8 fl oz) to Venti (20 fl oz). The combination of the seriously smooth and subtly sweet Starbucks® Blonde Espresso with steamed milk and a light layer of foam creates an enjoyable cup that particularly appeals to those who appreciate a lighter coffee flavor.

In addition to the hot version, Starbucks also offers an iced variant, the Blonde Vanilla Latte. This beverage combines the extra smooth flavors of the blonde roasted blend with velvety steamed milk, 2% milk, and vanilla syrup, providing a refreshing, lighter twist to the traditional iced latte.

Some key points about the distinction between blonde and regular lattes include:

  • Blonde espresso has a lighter body, making it ideal for simple beverages like iced coffees and Americanos
  • Regular espresso has a more intense flavor, suitable for mochas, Frappuccinos, and flavored lattes
  • The unique blend of Latin American and East African beans gives blonde espresso a sweeter, smoother taste, often requiring less cream and sugar compared to regular espresso

In conclusion, Starbucks has successfully tailored their menu offerings to cater to various taste preferences with the introduction of blonde espresso-based beverages. Combining this lighter roast with their classic latte options allows customers to enjoy a more personalized and diverse coffee experience.

Deciding Your Preference

When deciding between a blonde latte and a regular latte, it is essential to consider various factors to find the perfect coffee drink for your taste buds. Let's explore the key differences and factors in making your choice.

The primary factor is the roast of the coffee beans. Blonde espresso uses lighter roasted Latin American and East African coffee beans, resulting in a sweeter taste and a smooth, creamy mouthfeel. On the other hand, regular espresso is made from darker roasted beans, creating an intense, strong flavor profile with a lasting finish.

Another aspect to consider is the level of intensity. While blonde espresso is less intense than a regular espresso, it still offers a stronger flavor than a regular latte. This can be a more appealing choice for many coffee drinkers who prefer a milder taste without losing the rich coffee experience.

In terms of the overall taste, blonde espresso has gained considerable popularity for its delightful, mouthwatering flavor, which can be ideal for those seeking a smoother coffee experience. Regular espresso, on the other hand, has a bold flavor that might appeal to more experienced coffee drinkers or those who enjoy strong, full-bodied tastes.

The following points summarize the primary characteristics of each latte type:

  • Blonde latte:

    • Lighter roast coffee beans
    • Sweeter, smoother taste
    • Creamy mouthfeel
    • Less intense but stronger than a regular latte
  • Regular latte:

    • Darker roast coffee beans
    • Intense, bold flavor profile
    • Strong, full-bodied taste
    • More suitable for experienced coffee drinkers

Finally, personal preference ultimately dictates your choice. Some people might prefer the lighter, sweeter taste of a blonde latte, while others might gravitate towards the bold, intense flavors of a regular latte. It's always a good idea to try both options and see which one resonates with your taste buds more. As everyone's preferences vary, don't be afraid to experiment and find the perfect balance for your coffee experience.

Comparing Nutrition Facts

Calories & Sugar

When comparing a blonde latte to a regular latte, there are differences in their nutritional content, particularly in terms of calories and sugar. A Starbucks Blonde Vanilla Latte (Grande) has 240 calories, while a regular latte may have more or fewer calories, depending on various factors, including the milk choice and added sweeteners. However, both blonde and regular lattes contain a considerable amount of caffeine, with blonde espresso having 360mg of caffeine and dark roast espresso containing 260mg in a Grande size.

Size Options

Different size options may change the nutritional content of both blonde and regular lattes. Starbucks offers three main sizes: Tall (12 oz), Grande (16 oz), and Venti (20 oz). Here's a break-down of the calorie content for each size:

Size Blonde Latte Regular Latte
Tall (12 oz.) (12 oz.)
Grande 240 calorie (16 oz.)
Venti (20 oz.)

Keep in mind that sugar content, caffeine, and other nutrients would also be affected by the size of the latte.

In conclusion, while there are differences between a blonde latte and a regular latte in terms of calories and sugar, it is essential to consider the size and ingredients used when analyzing their nutritional value. Both options could be part of a balanced diet when consumed in moderation and taking into account individual dietary needs and preferences.

Blonde Latte vs Regular Latte

A blonde latte is a latte made with blonde espresso, which is a lighter roast compared to regular espresso. Blonde espresso is usually made from Latin American and East African coffee beans, delivering a sweet flavor with a smooth and creamy mouthfeel.

On the other hand, a regular latte is made using a darker roast espresso, which is more robust and bold in flavor. It is this stronger character that makes regular espresso ideal for drinks such as mochas, frappuccinos, and flavored lattes, where the intensity of the espresso can stand up to the additional flavors.

One key factor to consider when choosing between a blonde latte and a regular latte is the caffeine content. Due to its lighter roast, blonde espresso tends to have a higher caffeine content than regular espresso. This can be appealing to those who prefer a less intense flavor but still want a caffeinated kick.

Another aspect to consider is taste. The primary difference between these two lattes lies in their flavor profile. A blonde latte offers a sweeter, smoother taste perfect for those who prefer a gentler coffee experience, whereas a regular latte presents a rich and bold taste, suitable for individuals who enjoy a more assertive coffee flavor.

Final Thoughts

In summary, the choice between a blonde latte and a regular latte comes down to personal preference regarding taste, mouthfeel, and caffeine content. A blonde latte is ideal for those who enjoy a sweet, smooth, and higher caffeinated coffee, while a regular latte is better suited for individuals who prefer a bolder and richer taste.

Ultimately, if you're unsure which variety to choose, experimenting with both beverages can be an enjoyable way to discover which espresso type suits your tastes best. From the lighter, sweeter blonde latte to the robust, bold regular latte, there's a coffee experience waiting to be savored by everyone.

Latte information
Tony Barlow

Tony Barlow

Majesty Coffee Technical Sales Expert - Meet the Team

Tony Barlow, with over a decade of experience in the coffee industry, is the go-to technical sales expert at Majesty Coffee. He's passionate about helping businesses find the right espresso equipment for their needs.

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